2005 Paul VanRaden and Mel Tooker Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Genetic Evaluation of Mixed Breed Populations
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (2) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Goals Compare methods to evaluate mixed breed data All breeds and crossbreds together Crossbreds in breed of sire file Compute national evaluations and examine changes PTA’s of purebreds and crossbreds Display results without confusion
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (3) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Options for Reporting PTA Genetic base Each breed on its own base Other breeds on Holstein base All breeds on mixed breed base Heterosis and inbreeding PTA can include or exclude heterosis EFI and rank differ with mate breed
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (4) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Options for Implementation Within breed of sire model Further testing but fewer issues May 2006 could be possible All breed model Traits in Net Merit need same base Type and calving ease separate November 2006 more likely
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (5) P.M. VanRaden 2005 All- vs Within-Breed Evaluations Correlations of PTA 99% REL bulls Recent bulls Recent cows Holstein > Jersey Brown Swiss Guernsey Ayrshire Milking Shorthorn
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (6) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Breed Effects and Heterosis Transmitting ability differences from Holstein MilkFatProSCSPLDPR Jersey Brown Sw Guernsey Ayrshire M.Shorthrn Heterosis Heterosis and DPR estimates are from previous research
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (7) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Recent Sires of Crossbred Cows Sires born since 1997 SireDaughters NamebreedPureCross AdventJE69873 GoldenJE42142 EagleBS23435 Brendon-PJE20729 Big TimeJE52228
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (8) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Conclusions
S-1008 Annual Meeting 2005 (9) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Conclusions All breed model accounts for: Heterosis Unknown parent groups by breed Heterogeneous variance by breed Breed differences well estimated PTA changed more in small breeds Breed of sire model is alternative