The theme for each week’s tutorial will be set by one of these short articles which follow the investigation of the “Killer Robot” case and raise issues of responsibility and culpability relating to the development and implementation of IT systems. Amazon £30.18 Paperback: 242 pages Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, 7 April 1997 ISBN: Bookshop £35.50
1.Before each tutorial you should read the chapter for the week (check the running order spreadsheet to make sure you are reading the correct chapter) 2.The theme for each chapter is explored within the tutorial session 3.Some questions relating to the chapter and its themes are discussed. 4.Any interesting news items which links to today’s events (from group/tutor) 5.A general feedback session draws the whole group’s thoughts together 6.After the tutorial you will write up your own opinion/observations in your Blackboard Blog … there is to be a blog entry made during each week, key questions relating to each weeks Killer Robot chapter are to be discussed in your blog … the write up must be before the next week’s tutorial session. 7.You will be submitting 2 reports (one each term) which relate to the ethical and professional issues which we will explore... Your blog entries will also contribute to marks for the assignments, make the entries each and every week hot tip
however, these textbooks seem to be getting more and more expensive... perhaps I could share one with a colleague and we can split the cost... or might some of last year’s students want to sell their copies It would be best if I have my own copy of the Killer Robot,... I must be sure that I can read each chapter at the right time, before each week’s tutorial