TOOLS FOR COOPERATION NEW WEB PAGE FOR THE HFLAC INITIATIVE DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR COOPERATION These tools are intended to support the Initiative´s lines of action in different ways: Strengthening institutional frameworks, public policy development, training, mobilization and awareness-raising, monitoring and evaluation, South-South cooperation They also provide support to the countries and regional integration entities: - Delivery of information on FNS progress, show FNS situation at the national and regional levels, facilitation of communication between participants, exchange of experiences, knowledge sharing and dissemination HUNGER FREE LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN INITIATIVE
SUPPORT TOOLS WEB PAGE It offers a specialized source of information on Food and Nutrition Security in the Region It disseminates and helps the development of activities undertaken by the countries, regional integration entities and the HFLAC It helps in the relationship with other global bodies involved in FSN topics COOPERATION PLATFORM It is a showcase for countries to communicate their strengths and capacities in specific areas It organizes technical expertise offers in specialized areas by country It helps countries to channel demands for cooperation in areas where they have little or no experience It helps matching offer and demand, through restricted access mechanisms in each country HOWEVER, these are only tools to help the process. Participants need to feed contents, upload information, agree on common criteria and terminology, update on a regular basis. FOCAL POINTS ARE NEEDED IN EACH COUNTRY AND IN REGIONAL INTEGRATION ENTITIES A COMMITMENT AND SUSTAINED EFFORT ARE NEEDED OVER TIME FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE (feed, manage, update, upgrade)