P ROSPECT FOR S UCCESS Designing First-Year Courses to Foster Academic Engagement
O PPORTUNITIES Start where the students are: Top 40 Courses Learning Communities & Freshmen Seminars Leverage existing resources: UCC, UCAE, Library Communication Across the Curriculum Center for Teaching and Learning
P ROSPECT FOR S UCCESS An Engagement Curriculum A Diverse Campus…..…..Common Requirements Arts + Architecture Business Computing and Informatics Education Engineering Health and Human Services Liberal Arts and Sciences/University College Common SLOs embedded in a curriculum Authentic assessment Small-group interaction Connect to common messaging Co-curricular activities Integrate with academic advising Partner with support units
Identify comprehensive, realistic, and meaningful goals Develop intentional strategies to achieve them Make changes in light of experience I. C OMMITMENT TO S UCCESS
An open-ended process that explores evidence to generate ideas and conclusions II. I NQUIRY
Understanding of self and others as individuals whose worldview and capacities are shaped by culture and experience Willingness to take the worldview and capacities of others into consideration III. C ULTURAL A WARENESS
P ROSPECT FOR S UCCESS The Role of Advising
Learning Outcome: Students will… 1.Identify specific and realistic goals for their collegiate experience 2.Develop or exhibit strategies for achieving those goals 3.Revise their goals in light of experience Commitment to Success Dimension Goal SettingGoals are specific and realistic StrategiesArticulates several specific strategies for achieving goals Experience Change Recognizes and specifically describes the need to make changes in light of experience
Learning Outcome: Students will… 1.Understand inquiry as an open-ended process 2.Explore evidence 3.Generate ideas and/or conclusions Inquiry Dimension Exploratory ProcessDiscussion and/or results indicate that the focus of inquiry evolved Evidence/ Approaches Discussion and/or results indicate substantial exploration of appropriate evidence OriginalityStrong evidence of originality in discussion or results of inquiry
Learning Outcome: Students will… 1.Demonstrate an understanding of themselves, and of others, as individuals whose world-view and capacities are shaped by culture and experience 2.Demonstrate willingness to take the world-view and capacities of others into consideration Cultural Awareness Dimension Awareness of selfStrong awareness of how culture and experience shape own perspective and capacity Awareness of others Strong awareness of how culture and experience shape others’ perspective and capacity OpennessStrong consideration of multiple points of view
P ROSPECT FOR S UCCESS The Role of Advising Every College is Different – know how your discipline integrates advising into PFS Build a common language for students Discuss expectations with faculty Work with liaison to experiment Consider other ways you may use PFS in advising
P ROSPECT FOR S UCCESS Questions? Carla Eastis PFS Assessment Director Kristine Hopkins SCPD Director, Belk College