US-China Relations: Should Australia be Worried? Professor Martin Griffiths Dean, School of International Studies Tuesday 26 th May 2015
Australian governments don't actually produce these grand theoretical constructs, you know, they deal with the stuff ahead of them….. Greg Sheridan 16/3/12
Competing Claims
Visualizing Theory Institutions LIBERAL INTERNATIONALISM Anarchy mitigated by IGOs/INGOs/Intl. Regimes, Interdependence, Common Values, International Law CONSTRUCTIVISM Ideas Anarchy vs. Society National Identity REALISM Power Anarchy = Security Dilemma = Emphasis on Power
We can have an independent foreign policy. But to have it, with a strong and strategic bilateral relationship with both the US and China, we have to have leaders in ideas, who are not afraid to lead, not afraid to take on the fear of the US or of China. I'm waiting. Stephen Fitzgerald, the Age, May 11, 2015