Assessment strategies for improving students’ communication skills Dr Lata Gautam Department of Biomedical and Forensic Sciences, ARU
Issue Students’ feedback from NSS Forensic Science students felt their communication skills have not been improved (e.g. 77% response in NSS 2013) Feedback from personal tutee meetings and course leaders drop-in sessions Some forms of assessment were introduced at later stages only More presentation based assessments are needed earlier in their studies
Intervention As a part of department/ faculty initiative Assessment bunching, over assessment and feedback exercise- course group level Through curriculum revisions Included more presentation based assessments Ensured each assessment type is offered again Ensured new type of assessment is introduced at much earlier stages (e.g. articles, abstracts)
How do we support our students? Provide exemplar articles and formative feedback Offer practice sessions Provide conference related information Work with study skills plus team
Outcomes 23 presentations in UK based 4 subject specific conferences 8 presentations in 5 different international conferences 7 students have published their research findings 4 students have own prizes/ awards in different conferences NSS score improved in 2014 (84% from 77%) but decreased in 2015 (73%)
…Students are provided with opportunities for developing transferable skills throughout the programme, including poster presentations, oral presentations etc. Good practices and processes now established for the marking of reports and … assessment of presentations. There is use of a wide range and variety of assessments used including formal examinations, examinations, essays, work portfolios, presentations, poster presentations, role play and evaluation of work from practical classes…There was clear evidence of feedback on the samples of marked student work which I reviewed. …. External examiner’s report (2013) External examiner‘s report (2014)
Acknowledgements Forensic Science and Crime Investigative Studies course group/ team Department of Biomedical and Forensic Sciences Extra curricula event funding 2013 and 2014 Various summer internships from FST and the department Study skills plus and student services Our students for their dedication Attendees and presenters of 2 nd annual student research conference 2015