PatientKeeper: HPF Basics
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 2 1.Make sure your display results = You will not yield 800 results but this will allow the system to do a complete and thorough search for your patient 2.Fill in the Last and First Name fields only. 1.Filling in all information is equal to information overload. 2.Here…Less is More 3.Click Search for Visits
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 3 Example :
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 4 1.Click the “Add to Patient List” 2.A pop up box will appear, click add to add to your list.
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 5 After you click “Add” your Patient List tab will automatically update the number of patients sitting in your list. Next you need to click on the Patient List Tab to access your patient’s information.
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 6 1.Make sure to change your Drop Down to Last 5 Years 2. Select the patient needing to be reviewed 3. Select the Link (Prior Charts) for the Information to be retrieved from HPF.
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 7 Example of Prior Charts: 1. Click on either the Encounter Number Link or the MRN Link of the Patients Date of Service that is needing to be reviewed. 2. A new Window will open
Transforming Healthcare NFL & SATL IT&S Slide 8 New Window Example. Navigation of the Chart is located on the Left hand side of the screen.