Kaons in the SPL Superbeam Antoine Cazes Laboratoire de L’accélérateur Linéaire
ECFA/Bene meeting - 19th of november 2003 Antoine Cazes Energy increase? Nominal energy of the SPL : 2.2GeV/c Maybe increase up to 4-5GeV/c (?) Better focusing Higher pions production This implies the study of many issues What is the flux of kaons What changes in the signal/noise Which is the best energy? Simulation of proton-target interaction The simulation chain for the energy optimization
ECFA/Bene meeting - 19th of november 2003 Antoine Cazes The simulation FLUKA pot kinetic energy T = 2.2 – 5 GeV (uniformaly distributed) target: Liguid Mercury (A=200.59, Z=80, =13.546, X 0 =0.2756) = 1.5cm L = 30cm (2 ) Particles are recorded when they exit the target
ECFA/Bene meeting - 19th of november 2003 Antoine Cazes kaon production at the exit of the target Two production processes (origin?) Anyway below 4 GeV, K + production < 300 times the + production. neutrino production associated to K + seams to be negligeable. Number for pot
ECFA/Bene meeting - 19th of november 2003 Antoine Cazes kaons angular distribution 2.2 GeV < Ep < 2.65GeV2.65 GeV < Ep < 3.1GeV3.1 GeV < Ep < 3.55GeV 3.55 GeV < Ep < 4GeV4 GeV < Ep < 4.45GeV 4.45 GeV < Ep < 5 GeV cos
ECFA/Bene meeting - 19th of november 2003 Antoine Cazes The simulation chain p Fluka Geant 3 1) Proton interaction on target 2) Secondary particles tracking into the horn geometry? 3) decay tunnel 13 limit 5) Analysis Available We need informations to complete the chain 4) Flux at Fréjus analysis input? Nufact-Note 134
ECFA/Bene meeting - 19th of november 2003 Antoine Cazes Conclusion Kaons may not be a problem: MARS? To optimize 13 sensitivity: we could change the SPL energy we need therfore retune the horn design but… Pieces are missing in the simulation the decay tunnel part A short note is available for whom is interested