Reforming a National Payments System Interactive Simulation Simland II case study
Simland 40% urbanised60% rural 38 million people Democratic republic Elections > 2010
Reforming a National Payments System: Interactive Simulation Objective During the simulation exercise conference delegates will represent participants from the Simland financial industry, working with the Central Bank and the World Bank to address issues related to the reform of Simland’s payment and securities system During the simulation exercise conference delegates will represent participants from the Simland financial industry, working with the Central Bank and the World Bank to address issues related to the reform of Simland’s payment and securities systemMeeting You are invited as a member of the NPC to attend this meeting on Thursday at 3:00 pm You are invited as a member of the NPC to attend this meeting on Thursday at 3:00 pm The agenda of the first meeting of the reconstituted NPC will be to: The agenda of the first meeting of the reconstituted NPC will be to: –Assess what went wrong and what has not worked to date; –Identify the main risks and constraints as well as opportunities in addressing the situation; –Develop a 10 point action plan to move forward. Preparation Read the Simland II case study: Read the Simland II case study: –Section A (paragraphs 1-6) describes the situation as in 2003 and provides background –Section B (paragraph 7) describes developments since then and represents the focus areas for this meeting.
Groups 4 groups – 4 facilitators 4 groups – 4 facilitators –Namelists –If your name is not on the list, please associate yourself with a group The role of a National Payments Council (NPC) The role of a National Payments Council (NPC) The role you play in the NPC The role you play in the NPC
Case study - structure SECTION A – Simland 2003 SECTION A – Simland 2003 –Political and environmental perspective –Economic perspective –Financial sector perspective –Business perspective –Legal perspective –Oversight, cooperation and governance SECTION B – Simland 2007 SECTION B – Simland 2007 –Developing vision statement –Launching the RTGS project –Securities market developments –Foreign exchange –Retail payment developments –Political changes and the impact on the Central Bank APPENDICES APPENDICES –Summarised standards and best practices –Trends (news clips)
Facilitating a collaborative workshop
“… a process of shared creation where two or more individuals, with complementary skills, interact and in the process develop a shared understanding of a situation that none had previously possessed, or could have come to on their own …” Opper & Weiss What is Collaboration?
“ … consensus building in a collaborative exercise implies that all participants have the opportunity to participate and to convince the other participants of their point of view. Consensus is reached when all participants are comfortable with the outcome …” Consensus Defined
Psychology of Consensus “I understand what the view is that most of you hold. “I understand what the view is that most of you hold. It is not what I personally would have thought to be ideal. It is not what I personally would have thought to be ideal. I have, however, had sufficient opportunity to sway you to my point of view, without success, but I am comfortable that you clearly understand what my alternative would be. I have, however, had sufficient opportunity to sway you to my point of view, without success, but I am comfortable that you clearly understand what my alternative would be. Because I realize that my view is only a limited extraction of reality and that your combined wisdom most probably exceeds mine, will, in the pursuit of our common objectives and aims, gladly go along with the opinion held by most of you. Because I realize that my view is only a limited extraction of reality and that your combined wisdom most probably exceeds mine, will, in the pursuit of our common objectives and aims, gladly go along with the opinion held by most of you. I, therefore, assume full ownership of the group’s formulated opinion and will do everything in my power to make it a reality.” I, therefore, assume full ownership of the group’s formulated opinion and will do everything in my power to make it a reality.” Edgar Schein - adapted
The Consensus Building Process Expanding Group Memory Evolving Group Opinion Thought Provocation (PO) Agreement New Idea / Provocation IDEA SATURATIONIDEA SATURATION DIVERGENCECONVERGENCE
Facilitating the Process Every delegate should contribute Brainstorming All ideas captured All ideas captured No idea challenged or argued No idea challenged or argued Push for more ideas Push for more ideas Continue until ideas dry up Continue until ideas dry up Only thereafter seek commonalities and develop consensus