High-quality, Christ-centered What will we discover this year?
Agenda Prayer (Father Bernadine, Pastor of St. Pius V Catholic Church) Opening Meeting (Lauren May, Principal) Mission Statement (Stephanie Taylor, Assistant Principal) Guardian Catholic Schools (Sr. Dianne Rumschlag, Executive Director of Education) Visit classrooms Visit parish hall to sign in for volunteer hours and learn about our community partnerships and resource classes
Opening Prayer
St. Pius V Catholic School The mission of St. Pius V Catholic School, an historically African American institution, is to provide a high-quality education in a Christ- centered environment. Each student is challenged to be a responsible individual committed to the love and service of God and neighbor.
GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS RACE: Be Responsible Always try your best Cooperate Treat Everyone with respect
Rigor: Students will demonstrate improved study skills and critical thinking skills, resulting in improved ability to solve problems Positive Behavior Support (CHAMPS): Students will participate in a safe learning environment where they are motivated to take academic risks Goals for this year
Communication skills: Students will communicate with clarity and with an understanding of their audience Technology: Students will use technology to enhance learning and to help propel them into the 21 st century. Christian Atmosphere: All school stakeholders are driven by a clearly communicated mission that is rooted in Gospel values Goals for this year
St. Pius V Catholic School The mission of St. Pius V Catholic School, an historically African American institution, is to provide a high-quality education in a Christ- centered environment. Each student is challenged to be a responsible individual committed to the love and service of God and neighbor.
New handbook A new handbook has been posted on our website Changes to note: o Uniform policy change: Thursdays or mass days are dress up day for uniforms. Students should wear polo shirts instead of t-shirts. T-shirts can be worn on any other days. o Drop-off procedure change: Drop off only on Whitner Ave. Stay in your lane. Park in field if you are walking child in.
Time to be more awesome! Let’s get our learn on!
Get involved! Join our Home and School organization. Ms. Kelli Denson is president Join us at weekly mass, 9am each Thursday Volunteer (see Mrs. Lyons for information and opportunities about volunteering) Check your student’s grades on Parent Portal, stay in contact with teacher, check planner each night Come to Home and School Meetings – See you on Sept. 10
Stay in touch! your child’s teacher (you can get this tonight from your teacher if you don’t already have it) Connect on Parent Portal to see grades and updates from teachers – see Ms. Rademacher in hall if you need to sign up Like us on Facebook
Stay in touch! Contact Principal Lauren May at to schedule a conference or visit during open office hours on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 7:20-7:40 for a quick 5 minute conference Principal’s coffees will begin in October – come have coffee with principal and parents and discuss school goals and projects. Date will be published in Mustang Messages