1 2 Economics is a Social Science 經濟學是一門社會科學 It is a science studying human behaviour as a group.


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Presentation transcript:


2 Economics is a Social Science 經濟學是一門社會科學 It is a science studying human behaviour as a group.

3 Curriculum Aims 課程目的 € develop an interest in exploring human behaviour and social issues through an economic perspective; € understand the world in which they live through mastery of basic economic knowledge;

4 € enhance their general intellectual capacity for life-long learning, through developing their capacities in economic analysis, so that they possess the skills necessary for reasoning about issues and making rational choices; and € participate as informed and responsible citizens in the decision-making processes of a modern democratic society. Curriculum Aims 課程目的

5 We focus on three aspects, A S K : A = Attitude 價值觀和態度 S = Skill 技能 K = Knownledge 知識和理解

6 Attitude Students will develop values and attitudes so that they may: Particupate as informed persons in discussion and decision-making; Act as active and responsible citizens; and Contribute to the well-being of the local community, the nation and the world.

7 Skill Students will develop skills to: Interpret economic information; Apply their economic knowledge to a variety of problems; Analyse information using economic concepts and theories; Make evaluations from different economic perspectives; and Communicate economic ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate forms.

8 Knowledge Students will develop knowledge and understanding of about: Economics terminology, concepts and elementary economic theories; Basic economic problems and alternative approaches to them; Considerations and forces underlying the economic decisions; The interactions of different economic sectors; and The Hong Kong economy and its relationship with the rest of the world.

9 A.Basic Economic Concepts B.Firms and Production C.Market and Prices D.Competition and Market Structure E.Efficiency, Equity and the Role of the Government Topics included 課題包括 : Compulsory Part:

10 F.Measurement of Economic Performance G.National Income and Determination of Price Level H.Money and Banking I.Macroeconomic Problems and Policies J.International Trade and Finance Elective Part: Extension of Trade theory Economic Growth and Development

11 Public Assessment 公開評核 Public Examination (2013) Paper 1 (multiple-choice questions) 30% Paper 2 (conventional paper) 70% Part 1: Compulsory Part Part 2: Elective Part School-based Assessment (SBA) 0% Task-based assessment (news commentary or essay or report) (to be implemented in 2014)

12 Effective Learning & Teaching Strategies 有效的學與教策略 Direct Instruction 直接傳授式教學 Enquiry Learning and Teaching 探究式教學 Problem – Solving Approach 解難式教學法 Assessment for Learning 促進學習的評估 Reading to Learn 從閱讀中學習

13 For any enquiry, please contact Mr. CHAN Shu-hon 陳樹漢老師 (Staff Room A, G/F)

14 Thank you ! 謝謝 !