Nicola Hogan, Project Manager of the JISC funded SUSTE-TECH project. The project is examining the use of Sustainable ICT in FHE Institutions
Current remit of the SUSTE-TECH project: Assist our SUSTE-TECH participants with the implementation of their “Green ICT Action Plans” Disseminate Information & Data on the Benefits of Using Green ICT to institutions Promote Best Practice in Green ICT to a wider audience
Participants Action Plans Many are implementing a “general” energy management system; Automatic or timed powerdown of ICT equipment, creating awareness of campus wide energy use, recycling ICT equipment, green procurement, lowering ICT running costs & reducing waste
What do the Results Indicate? significant improvement in ICT energy use in the past 5 years, however.. huge scope for improvement.. Many of the changes are simple, ….just not being carried out!
Nicola Hogan’s Contact Details. Phone : (01242) (M) : Twitter: NicICT Blog: Weblink : JISC: 41 greening of ICT projects