Routes to the Gold Fields
On January 28, 1848 James Marshall discovers gold at John Sutter’s mill in Coloma.
Gold! Gold from the American River! May 1848—When news of the gold discovery and samples of gold reached San Francisco and other towns in California, people headed to the mountains. Challenge #1: If gold was discovered in January, why did it take so long for news to spread?
Challenge #2: From which countries did the Argonauts come? From where did they come? China Australia Germany British Isles France Peru Chile Mexico Eastern United States Oregon Territory
How shall we travel? Three main routes: Cape Horn Isthmus of Panama Overland
Sea Route—Cape Horn Argonauts traveled by ship south along the Atlantic coast of the United States, around the southern tip of South America (Cape Horn) and then into the Pacific Ocean.
Sea Route—Cape Horn The ship then sailed north along the Pacific coast to San Francisco Bay where the passengers would disembark.
Journey of 18,000 nautical miles Took 5 to 8 months Sea Route—Cape Horn
Challenge #3: What dangers did the Argonauts face traveling by sea along the Cape Horn route to California? Sea Route—Cape Horn
Dangers—Overcrowding Challenge #4: Why would over-selling passage on a ship be dangerous?
Dangers—Disease Scurvy Cholera
Dangers—Cape Horn Courtesy of National Maritime Museum, London
By Land and Sea—Isthmus of Panama Argonauts that wanted a faster route would sail to the Isthmus of Panama and the port town of Chagres. Chagres
By Land and Sea—Isthmus of Panama Chagres From there they traveled by small boat up the Chagres River and then rode mules through the jungle to the other side of the isthmus. Once they arrived in Panama City Argonauts had to wait for a ship to sail them up the Pacific coast to San Francisco Bay.
By Land and Sea—Isthmus of Panama By 1850 the journey took only 6 to 8 weeks.Challenge #5: What dangers did the Argonauts face during their journey across the Isthmus of Panama?
Yellow Fever Malaria Dangers—Disease
Land Route Council Bluffs St. Joseph Independence Fort Bridger Sacramento Mormon Trail Oregon Trail California Trail Salt Lake City Fort Hall
Oxen, Mules or Horses? Challenge #6: What dangers did the Argonauts meet along the overland trail?
Dangers—mountains and rivers
Dangers—Disease Asiatic Cholera: Caused by infected drinking water
The Gold Fields! Challenge #7: What challenges did this sudden increase in population bring to California’s economy and government?