West Belconnen Bush on the Boundary Reference Group 4 November 2015
Living on the Urban Edge Over 300 kilometres of urban edge in Canberra About 70% of Canberra households within one kilometre of a nature reserve New urban development is biggest threat in ACT to our local biodiversity values Community action, partnerships and education needed to maintain and enhance our local ecological values
Ecological Values of our Urban Edge Ecological values can include species, communities, ecosystems and services to people such as clean water and recreational opportunities. These values found in our nature reserves and also in rural leases, public open spaces and our hills and buffer zones. Our local biodiversity is nationally significant – local Yellow- Box Red Gum Grassy Woodlands are listed as national critically endangered ecological community. Only 5% of these woodlands remain nationally. Not only are they locally precious but also nationally significant. Woodland patches which remain in our backyard are exceptional in term of size, quality and diversity. Plus they are important habitat for wildlife species of local and national significance such as Superb Parrot
Community action Conservation Council in partnership with others has developed initiatives to address issues of communities living on urban edge. Aim is to preserve and promote importance of areas of significant ecological value surrounding Canberra’s suburbs. Initiatives include: policy and guidelines to inform planning and enforcement of urban edge issues in consistent and timely manner ensuring urban edge issues considered at appropriate planning stages by developers and ACT Government engaging local communities to protect local ecological values.
Bush on the Boundary Reference Groups Working with ACT Catchment Groups and others we helped establish several Bush on the Boundary Groups. These consist of various Government and non-governmental stakeholder groups with interest in the urban edge. BOB Gungahlin – ongoing BOB Molonglo – ongoing BOB North Watson – The Fair – BOB West Belconnen – August ongoing
Managing the Urban Edge Policy document Written by range of people Workshopped with all Bush on Boundary Groups released as discussion paper December 2013 Identifies ten key issues – Connectivity, Domestic Animal management, Invasive Plant Species, Fire Management, Mature Trees, Rural Leases, Roads and Infrastructure, Access and Recreation, Aquatic and Riparian Areas, Community Participation For each issues outlines key principle, existing situation, case- studies and policy recommendations
Living Next to Nature We provide community information materials to new residents to outline key issues and actions they can take to value, promote and care for our fragile bushland areas. Our Living next to Nature Booklet and our Treasures of the ACT Region series of booklets are integral elements of this information Living next to Nature is a guide to protecting and enhancing the bush next door with simple actions in your garden, in your community and in the local bushland.
Next Steps Canberra is extraordinary place as capital city privileged to have access to nearby environmental wonders We need to continue to work together with our local communities, Parkcare Groups, Catchment Groups to ensure ongoing protection of our special places. Government uses Conservation Council policy and documents – needs to be reinforced at high level Conservation Council seeking resources for reprinting and continuing this work.