Nuclear energy Ashfield Direct Learning Anthony Spalding Ks4 Energy
Nuclear power Nuclear fuel is a non- renewable energy source. It has many advantages to fossil fuels for example it does not produce carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. It works by capturing the energy of decaying atoms This energy is seen here
Water cooled reactor This is a water cooled reactor. the water is heated to boiling point by passing through the reactor this can be dangerous since the water is exposed directly to the nuclear rods;
Water cooled reactor
Reactor Core The reactor core works by pumping water around fuel rods. The radiation heats the water to steam. The reaction is slowed by using carbon rods.
The Advantages of Nuclear energy The cost of fuel and the amount used is relatively low. It doesn’t produce carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide pollution. They are flexible in meeting demand.
The Disadvantages of Nuclear energy The cost of building and de-commissioning add largely to the unit cost of energy produced. They have the longest start up time compared to coal oil or gas. Waste stays dangerously radioactive for thousands of years.
Nuclear waste Although nuclear energy doesn’t produce pollution it does create radioactive waste. This waste can be radioactive for thousands of years and proper storage can be expensive.