1 Advanced Database Technologies CG096 Dr. Akhtar Ali School of Computing, Engineering and Information Systems Jan 2007
2 Module Aims The module aims: n To review relational databases. n To introduce and review object-oriented, object relational and other emerging database technologies. n To provide and evaluate essentials of query optimization, distribution and parallelism in database systems.
3 Learning Outcomes On completion, the student should be able to: n Assess the limitations of relational databases; n Assess different ways of extending the relational databases; n Have mastered programming language extensions to SQL and the integration of SQL with programming languages; n Explain, discuss and evaluate object-oriented databases; n Compare and contrast the relational with object -relational and object- oriented databases; n Have understanding of the principles, methods, techniques and tools that underpin query processing/optimization; n Comprehend and practically assess the concepts of distributed and parallel databases; n Assess the implications of new developments in database technology.
4 Main Topics n Relational Algebra n Programming Extensions to SQL (PLSQL & Triggers) n Extensions to Relational Databases (e.g. object-relational databases) n Object-Oriented Databases (ODMG standard, ODL, OQL) n Query Optimization (query processing and evaluation) n Distributed and Parallel Databases
5 Prerequisite Knowledge & Skills n Working experience of a relational database management system. –For example, if you have previously attended CG065 – Databases. n OR you should be able to: –Understand and apply the principles of relational DBMS to a substantial real-world data analysis. –Use effectively an SQL-based DBMS to create, maintain, query and update a relational database. –Design relational database conceptual models using Entity Relationship Modelling. –Design relational database conceptual schemes using normalisation. –Critically evaluate principles and methods of relational database design.
6 AssessmentAssessment n Assignment –Worth 40% –Issued in week 7 and due in week 12. n Open Book/Notes Exam –Worth 60% –2 hours duration –In weeks 13 to 15 (January 2005) n Open-book/open-notes means that you can take with you into the examination room: –lecture notes, –handouts and –text books
7 Books and Learning Resources n Text Books –Elmasri/Navathe, ‘Fundamentals of Database Systems’, Addison-Wesley, 5th Edition, n Supplementary Material –Ramakrishnan/Gehrke, ‘Database Management Systems’, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, n Online Resources –Blackboard (all the lecture notes, seminar handouts) –Oracle Concepts, Oracle Corporation. –Oracle Application Developer's Guide – Object-Relational Features