Ultimate Dodgeball Stadium Josue Martinez
Description An ultimate dodge ball stadium, this stadium in going to have a trampoline floors and there’s going to be a line in between this big tramping each team will be on one of the sides and play dodge ball there’s going to be two referees one on each side
Real World Competitors Seahawk stadium Blackbeards Boomers Video Game company's
Seahawk Stadium S- Famous stadium W- Only have games 2 games a week O- Become more popular T- Seahawk Move Description: The Seahawk stadium host dodgeball games ever week and is well know due to the Seahawks hokey team.
Blackbeards S- Have different things to do there W- They never add new stuff O- Could have a lot costumers T- Go bankrupt Description: Blackbeards has many entertaining things to do they. But its always the same things
Boomers S- Have games and food W- No place to sit down O- Easley could expand T- Sued by an injured kid Description: Boomers has an arcade, food stand, race cars, laser tag, and a mini golf course Its very entertaining.
Video Game Company's S- Has costumers all over the world W- People hack there consoles O- Make a lot of money T- Everyone learns to hack there consoles Description: Video game company's like sonny, Microsoft, and Nintendo all many costumers. Many of these video game costumers just stay home to play.