Open House Language Arts
Course Overview Lenovo Laptops and Digital 6 Each student will have access in class to a laptop where we will be reading and writing electronically Students will also have access to the online textbook resources from home and personal electronic devices The textbook is aligned to the new state assessment ( formerly called FCAT) In addition to the Language Arts online textbook, we will read newspapers, poems, short stories, novels, magazines, song lyrics, and more! There will be a quarterly book report project due each quarter that will be done at home and presented in school. There will be ample time given to complete the assignment.
Supplies and Grading Full Supply list on my website- access from LCMS website Two pocket folder with prongs- always with at least 20 pieces of loose leaf paper 2 pens, 2 pencils, a highlighter and a red pen in backpack at all times Personal reading book in backpack at all times- GO TO LIBRARY THIS WEEKEND TO GET A LIBRARY CARD IF YOU DON’T ALREADY HAVE ONE!!! Pinnacle is Web based and can be accessed from the LCMS Website I recommend only checking once a week on Fridays Grades can fluctuate a great deal as the categories are weighted. Assessments 40% Homework and classwork 30% Projects 25% Participation 5%
LCMS WEBSITE LINKS for all web links FACULTY to find me for and my web site
k My web site is a wealth of information and can be easily accessed from the LCMS website. Please bookmark the site for reference throughout the year. Projects, homework, calendars as well as resources will be posted there
PINNACLE GRADE BOOK ACCESS under LINKS on LCMS website There is both a student and a parent sign in Log in: Student ID Password: YYYYMMDD
Face to Face Conferences are on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS ONLY- Please call Pride Six to make an appointment. The best way to contact the teacher is via . We can set up a phone conference if you cannot make the Wednesday Morning time frame.
HOMEWORK for Parents… Your student will receive a homework pass!!!! Please me with your contact information and the best number and times to reach you. Please include any information that you would like to share with me about your student. Include in your if your student will have any issues or concerns with accessing the textbook online on a daily basis and if they will need a hard copy textbook.
REMIND 101 This is a one way text service from teacher to parents and students to receive important messages regarding the class. This is NOT my personal and cannot be replied to I highly encourage you and your student to sign up for the service ( free but text message rates for your phone plan will apply). The instructions are on my web site for sign up and we can also sign up now together
PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR PHONES NOW!!! Period 1: Period 2: Period 4: Period 5: Period 6:
I am looking forward to a GREAT YEAR!!!!