Character Education By: Danielle and Kristen Thomas Lickona
Who is Thomas Lickona? Developmental psychologist Professor of Education at the State University of New York at Courtland newest philosophers with his works in creating Character Education completed research on the growth of child reasoning Published many books and essays
What is Character Education? the deliberate effort to develop virtues that are good for the individual and society To teach students to affirm our human dignity, promote happiness, serve the common good, and learn individual rights and responsibilities.
The Six Pillars of Character Education Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
Character in Special Education The six pillars can teach those in special education important life skills that will help them succeed not only in the school setting but also for the future
The 3 R’s to Growing Up Be Responsible Choose to do the RIGHT thing Respect Yourself
Character Education in Schools goes beyond the curriculum in teaching students to be a better individual building character can be seen even in the high school system with mandatory community service being requested from each student in order to graduate
Sara Porter Mrs. Mercer’s philosophy is only focusing on the academic part of school; however, the school is a place that students can learn many life skills to help them be better classmates and members in the community Mrs. Mercer also needs to give praise that is more positive to Sara. Sara needs to be given some responsibility in the classroom, which will allow her to be motivated on coming to school each day
SIX PILLARS As a group describe a lesson for your pillar and how you would teach it to your students
Resources Thinking Media (2007). Character Education. Retrieved March 10, 2009, from (2009). Retrieved March 10, 2009, from Character Education Lickona, T, Schaps, E, & Lewis, C (2003). CEP's Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education.