Coptic Lesson 10 Coptic Numbers
Coptic Alphabets
Review Questions Thita Th, t : Psi ps' Kei k, sh, kh, PipP Phiphv LavlaLl Ghamma g, gh, n G CopticEnglishName
Coptic Abbreviations Review Spirit`pneuma =p=n=a Saviorcwtyr =c=w=r The ChristPi`,rictoc P=,=c JesusIycouc I=y=c Holy `e;ouab =e=;=u Lord[oic ¡ God```Vnou] V] Long FormAbbreviationMeaning
Coptic Reading Practice Yiyounyouhytsihyt mytmy]taio`mmoccen] Oumwouerw]ouiouwm Sersepcapcarcarra Tenten]jwouhwoutyren ]mifwtefw]ejentyrou concwniconipanran ialmoiamoiiwtcwma jwrjwri`cnof]`aco]`pla qaqqwqja[irenmaren
First Five Numbers ===a _ 1 (ouai) =b = 2 (`cnau) =g = 3 (somt) =d = 4 (`ftoou) =e = 5 (`tiou)
Numbers 6 through 10 ^_6 (coou) =z = 7 (sasf) =y = 8 (`smyn) =; =9 ('it) =i = 10 (Myt)
Teens ==i=a_11 (myt-ouai) =i=b = 12 (myt-`cnau) =i=g = 13 (myt-somt) =i=d =14 (myt-`ftou) =i=e = 15 (myt-`tiou)
Tens =k = 20 (jout) =l = 30 (map) =m = 40 (`hme) =n = 50 (tebi) =x_60 (ce) =o = 70 (`sbe) =p = 80 (qamne) =F_90 (pictau)
Hundreds ==r = 100 (se) =c = 200 (`cnau-se) =t = 300 (somt-se) ===, = 600 (coou-se) ='=700 ( sasf-`nse) =w = 800 (`smyn-se) =s = 900 (`'it-se) a_1000 (so)
Review the Numbers =a =b =e =z =i =k =m =n =o =c =t =w =e =; =l =s =p =o =c =t ==, ==' =w
Coptic Alphabets
Coptic Numbers Exercise 1 (Eshmin-she-tevi-etiou) = 855 =w=n =e (Shomt-she-goot-esnav) = 322 =t=k= b (Esnav-she-eshve) = 270 ==c= o (Tevi-esnav) = 52 =n=b (Ehme-shashf) = 47 =m=z (Goot-etiou) = 25 =k=e (meet-owai) = 11 =i=a
Coptic Numbers Exercise 2 (Eshmin-she-tevi-etiou) = 855 =w=n =e ( Esnav-she-nem-meit-esnav ) = 212 =c=i= b (Shae-nem-ehme) = 140 ==r= m (Eshve-shashf) = 77 =o=z (Tevi-ouai) = 51 =n=a (Goot-soo) = 26 =k^ (meet-eshmein) = 18 =i=y
Coptic Numbers Exercise 3 (`smyn-`nse-tebi-`tiou) = 855 =w=n =e (`cnau-se-myt-`cnau) = 212 =c=i= b (`tiou-`nse-qamne-'it) = 589 ==v= p=; (qamne-somt) = 83 =p=g (`hme-sasf) = 47 =m=z (map-`ftou) = 34 =l=d (jout-'it) = 29 =k=;
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Oujai qen `P[oic