Russian Alphabet By Dohyun and Mir Ayman.


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Presentation transcript:

Russian Alphabet By Dohyun and Mir Ayman

Information 33 Alphabets Form of Cyrillic script Different Alphabets than English Sometimes No sound or hard pronunciation

Russian & English А а [ah] = A a Армия [armiya] - Army

Russian & English Б б [beh] = B b Бокс [boks] - Box(sport)

Russian & English В в [veh] = V v Вор [vor] - Thief

Russian & English Г г [geh] = G g Город [gorod] - City

Russian & English Д д [deh] = D d Дом [dom] - House

Russian & English Е е [yeh] = Y y Енот [yenot] - Raccoon

Russian & English Ё ё [yo] = Y y Ёлка [yolka] - Christmas Tree

Russian & English Ж ж [zheh] = Z z Жук [zhook] - Beetle, Bug

Russian & English З з [zeh] = Z z Змея [zmeya] - Snake

Russian & English И и [ee] (long) = I i Игра [igra] -Game

Russian & English Й й [ee] (short) = Y y Йод [yod] - Iodine * Only word begins with Й

Russian & English К к [kah] = K k Колокольчик [kolokochic] -  Bell

Russian & English Л л [el] = L l Лимон [limon] - Lemon

Russian & English М м [em] = M m Магазин [magazin] - Shop

Russian & English Н н [en] = N n Ноль [nol] - Zero

Russian & English О о [oh] = O o Огурец [orgezs] - Cucumber

Russian & English П п [peh] = P p Палка [palka] - Stick

Russian & English P p [ehr] = P p Река [reka]- River

Russian & English C c [es] = S s Семена [semena] - Seeds

Russian & English T t [the] = T t Тарелка [tarelka] - Plate

Russian & English Y y [oo] (long) = O o Утка [ootka] - Duck

Russian & English Ф ф [ef] = F f Форма [forma] - Form/Shape

Russian & English X x [khah] = K k Холодильник [xolodilnik] - Fridge

Russian & English Ц ц [tseh] = ts Царь [tsar] - King

Russian & English Ч ч [cheh] = ch Человек [chelovek] - Human

Russian & English Ш ш [sheh] = sh Шар [shar] - Ball

Russian & English Щ щ [scheh] = sh Щиколотка [shikolotka] -  Ankle * Sounds very similar to Ш ш

Russian ъ Hard Sign – has no sound but adds a slight pause There is no word start with this letter and it is very rare to see in word

Russian ы [eigh] Most difficult vowel sound in Russian No equivalent in English No Russian word begin with this letter

Russian ь Soft Sign – has no sound but softens the proceeding letter

Russian & English Э э [eh] = E e Элита [elita] - Elite

Russian & English Ю ю [yoo] – U u Юг [yoog]- South

Russian & English Я я [ya] = ya Яблоко [yabloko] - Apple

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