The Devil’s Arithmetic By: Jane Yolen
Setting and point of view This book takes place in a Jewish house, a polish town, and a consecration camp. The year is in the 1940’s. The point of view is a first person, because the main character tells story in a I perspective.
Characters The main character is a ungrateful 13 year old girl named Hanna (Chaya). A minor character is Gitel Chaya’s aunt, she is kind and fearsome when necessary giving her the nick names Gitel The Gentle and Gitel The Bear.
Plot Summary The conflict is that Jewish people are in a consecration camp. There are plenty of crisis in this book, but one is when Hanna is talking to other girls and not working. The resolution is when Hanna wakes up from the dream.
Theme The theme of the story is to teach the hardship of the people in the concentration camps. And to teach why you should fell grateful.
Personal Response I don’t like this book because it is a bit racist, and I’m against that. I really didn’t like it when the Jewish people were killed. I would recommend this book to anybody that likes the holocaust. I give this book 3 out of 5 stars, only because I didn’t like it.
About The Author The author is Jane Yolen. For info about her click
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