CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Unit 10: Mathematical Modeling November 14, 2013 Session will be begin at 8:00 am While you are waiting, please do the following: Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard Document downloads: When you are prompted to download a document, please choose or create the folder to which the document should be saved, so that you may retrieve it later.
CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Unit 10: Mathematical Modeling November 14, 2013 James Pratt – Brooke Kline – Secondary Mathematics Specialists These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.
The big idea of Unit 10 Incorporating SMPs into mathematical modeling Resources Welcome!
Question: In the Middle School and Coordinate Algebra Unit Frameworks, I noticed they have included both Formative Assessment Lessons (FAL) and Short Cycle Tasks (SCT) from the Mathematics Assessment Project. Why do the Acc. Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Unit Frameworks only contain FALs? Wiki/ Questions
Wiki/ Questions Formative Assessment Lesson (FAL)/Classroom Challenges
Wiki/ Questions Short Cycle Task (SCT)/Assessment Tasks (Novice, Apprentice, Expert)
Analytic Geometry Short Cycle Tasks Unit 1 – The Real Number System, Cross Totals, Arithmetic with Polynomial and Rational Expressions Unit 2 – Sidewalk Stones, Patchwork, Table Tiles, Building Functions, Functions, Reasoning with Equations & Inequalities, Seeing Structure in Expressions Units 3 & 4 – only contain FALs Units 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 – do not contain SCTs or FALs
Teacher Edition – page 100 All four functions are neither odd nor even. Unit 2: Parent Graphs Revisited Task
Below are the graphs of four different functions. Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-IF Analyzing Graphs
Match the function with its graph; justify your answers with appropriate explanations. Use the graphs to make determinations about a, b, c, k, m, p, q, and r.
What’s the big idea? Create equations that describe numbers or relationships Interpret functions that arise in applications n terms of the context Analyze functions using different representations Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities Build new functions from existing functions Visualize relationships between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations.
What’s the big idea? Standards for Mathematical Practice
What’s the big idea? Dan Meyer Robert Kaplinsky Teaching Channel Illustrative Mathematics Expeditionary Learning MAP Standards for Mathematical Practice
Coherence and Focus K-9 th Geometric shapes and measurement Cross sections Rewrite expressions Functions Model with functions 11th-12th Functions Model with functions.
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-BF Rainfall
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-BF Rainfall
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-BF Rainfall
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-BF Rainfall
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-BF Rainfall
Examples & Explanations Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-BF Rainfall
Examples & Explanations Create a price table for the quantity of donuts purchased, from 0 to 15.
Examples & Explanations Create a price table for the quantity of donuts purchased, from 0 to DonutsCost DonutsCost
Examples & Explanations Graph the relationship. DonutsCost DonutsCost
Examples & Explanations Graph the relationship. DonutsCost DonutsCost
Examples & Explanations Create a function that will model the relationship. DonutsCost DonutsCost
Examples & Explanations DonutsCost DonutsCost
Examples & Explanations
Examples & Explanations Create a scatterplot that represents the data in the table
Examples & Explanations
Examples & Explanations What function or functions might you use to describe the scatterplot?
Examples & Explanations Find two linear functions that pass through the data points
Examples & Explanations
Examples & Explanations
Examples & Explanations
Examples & Explanations
Adapted from Illustrative Mathematics F-IF Analyzing Graphs
Analytic Geometry EOCT Released Items Released Items: Housed in the Assessment Division of GADOE Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Analytic%20Geometry% 20Released%20Items%20Booklet%20Revised% pdf Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Analytic%20Geometry% 20Released%20Items%20Booklet%20Revised% pdf Released Items Commentary: Housed in the Assessment Division of GADOE Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Analytic%20Geometry%2 0Released%20Items%20-%20Commentary%20Revised% pdf There are 18 released items and commentary about each item available for Analytic Geometry
Analytic Geometry EOCT Released Items
Resource List The following list is provided as a sample of available resources and is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to investigate them to determine their value and appropriateness for your district. GaDOE does not endorse or recommend the purchase of or use of any particular resource.
CCGPS Resources Georgia Virtual Learning - SEDL videos - or Illustrative Mathematics - Mathematics Vision Project - Dana Center's CCSS Toolbox - Tools for the Common Core Standards - LearnZillion - Assessment Resources MAP - Illustrative Mathematics - CCSS Toolbox: PARCC Prototyping Project - Smarter Balanced - PARCC - Online Assessment System - Resources
LearnZillion Revised A more “user friendly” version of the Learnzillion lessons support learning new strategies, sharing with parents, helping absent students.
LearnZillion Revised
LearnZillion Revised
LearnZillion Revised
LearnZillion Revised
LearnZillion Revised
LearnZillion Revised
LearnZillion Revised
Resources Professional Learning Resources Inside Mathematics- Annenberg Learner - Edutopia – Teaching Channel - Ontario Ministry of Education - Achieve - Expeditionary Learning: Center for Student Work - Blogs Dan Meyer – Robert Kaplinsky - Books Van De Walle & Lovin, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades 5-8
Feedback James Pratt – Brooke Kline –
Thank You! Please visit to share your feedback, ask questions, and share your ideas and resources! Please visit to join the 9-12 Mathematics listserve. Follow us on Brooke Kline Program Specialist (6 ‐ 12) James Pratt Program Specialist (6-12) These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.