APEH: Review Quiz #2 Questions by Sara Obernesser, Class of 2007
Contestants do not forget to Always phrase your question in the form of an answer Hands on your buzzers it is time to play
$100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 France Political Theory Starts with “M” Spain APEH Topics Final Jeopardy
This chief minister of Louis XIII laid the foundation of an absolute monarchy in France. France $100
France $200 This system, formulated by Napoleon I, called for the boycotting of all British goods.
This occurred in 1718 as a result of investors buying shares too quickly from the Mississippi Company. France $300
This war occurred to check the Bourbon king Louis XIV’s expansionism into the Spanish Empire. France $400
This faction of the Jacobin Party was the most radical element of the French Revolution. They were known to sit in the highest seats in the National Convention. France $500
He wrote that it was “better to be feared than loved.” Political Theory $100
Political Theory $200 This philosophy to rule arose from the quote “the greatest good for the greatest number.”
Political Theory $300 Karl Marx and this man jointly wrote the “Communist Manifesto.”
Political Theory $400 This French thinker’s ideas influenced the development of the nation-state and political absolutism. His major work was entitled The Six Books of the Republic.
Political Theory $500 The theory that history follows a cyclical pattern of thesis, antithesis and synthesis was developed by this German thinker.
Starts with “M” $100 In the years following the Congress of Vienna (1815), this system was developed to restore peace and order.
Starts with “M” $200 This radical of the French Revolution was killed by Charlotte Corday as he soaked in his bathtub.
Starts with “M” $300 This religious radical of the Reformation led the Peasants’ Revolt.
Starts with “M” $400 This British school––which was not for teaching––was a 19th century school of economic thought that promoted laissez-faire.
Starts with “M” $500 This Cardinal ran the French government when Louis XIV was a boy.
Spain $100 This monastery, palace and burial chamber was built by Philip II.
Spain $200 Their 1469 marriage led to closer ties for Aragon and Castile.
Spain $300 Francisco Franco ultimately emerged as the victor in this conflict that gripped Spain from
Spain $400 This capital city of the Moorish kingdom fell to Ferdinand & Isabella in 1492.
Spain $500 This ruler controlled the largest empire of his time. It included Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, the Spanish Netherlands, parts of Italy and most of the New World.
APEH Topics $100 Charles de Gaulle became the president of the 5th Republic of this country.
APEH Topics $200 The first phase of this major historical event was the March (February) Revolution in 1917.
APEH Topics $300 The German Empire ( ) was also known by this name.
APEH Topics $400 Napoleon Bonparte first gained political power in France during this fourth phase of the French Revolution.
APEH Topics $500 The Peace of Paris, signed in 1763, ended this war.
France $100 Who as CARDINAL RICHELIEU?
France $200 What was the CONTINENTAL SYSTEM?
France $300 What was the MISSISSIPPI BUBBLE?
France $400 What was the WAR OF SPANISH SUCCESSION?
France $500 What was the MOUNTAIN?
Political Theory $100 Who was MACHIAVELLI?
Political Theory $200 What is UTILITARIANISM?
Political Theory $300 Who was ENGELS?
Political Theory $400 Who was JEAN BODIN?
Political Theory $500 Who was HEGEL?
Starts with “M” $100 What was the METTERNICH SYSTEM?
Starts with “M” $200 Who was MARAT?
Starts with “M” $300 Who was MUNZER?
Starts with “M” $400 What was the MANCHESTER SCHOOL?
Starts with “M” $500 Who was MAZZARIN?
Spain $100 What was ESCORIAL?
Spain $200 Who were FERDINAND & ISABELLA?
Spain $300 What was the SPANISH CIVIL WAR?
Spain $400 What was GRANADA?
Spain $500 Who was CHARLES V?
APEH Topics $100 What is FRANCE?
APEH Topics $200 What was the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION?
APEH Topics $300 What was the SECOND REICH?
APEH Topics $400 What was the CONSULATE?
APEH Topics $500 What was the SEVEN YEARS’ WAR?
Final Jeopardy Category is …... Scientific Revolution Make your wagers please ….
FINAL This French physician developed stitches to close wounds and ointment for preventing infection. ANSWER
What is Who was AMBROIS PARÉ