Structures, Strategies and Compositions Lesson 10 Evaluating for improvement Future development needs
Today we will... Peer mark homework task Explain how you evaluated your performance to check for improvement Identify possible future development needs Ordering of SSC questions
As a result of the weaknesses identified in the previous question you will have developed adapted your chosen SSC. Describe how you adapted your performance to overcome the weaknesses identified. (6) Mark your partners answer using the key content below Introduction – which identifies the weakness they needed to overcome Explanation of how they adapted their fastbreak by adding additional options to overcome variation Description of how they went about doing this Progressive 3 man fast break practice Adding additional options Each option 1 passive defender 2 passive defenders 1 active & 1 passive defender 2 active defenders Discussion of how the additional options made their fast break less predictable – explanation of how this affected the defending team. Explanation that the additional options enabled them to score from all three lanes Discussion of how option 4 enabled them to move up court quicker, over coming the issue of speed Explanation of how improved speed helped them get quickly beyond defenders
Evaluating for improvement Task one Working with a partner of the same level, name the observation schedules you would use to evaluate your performance, carefully consider the order in which you would complete them. Create a graffiti poster detailing all the steps you would take to evaluate your performance to check for improvement in your performance of your chosen SSC. From the graffiti poster create a plan detailing how you would answer the above past paper question. Explain how you evaluated any improvements that were made in your performance in the chosen Structure, Strategy or Composition. (4)
Past Paper Question Identification Over the last two lessons we have considered the three past paper questions below. What was the missing question likely to have asked…..? a) (4) b)When performing your role within the SSC, discuss some of the decisions you had to make during performance to ensure you carried out your role effectively. (6) c)Choose two elements from the list below: Space, Speed, Variation, Motifs, Creativity, Design form, Width/Depth/Mobility (i) Explain how each was a strength in your structure, strategy or composition. (3) (ii) Choose two different elements. Explain how these were a weakness in your structure, strategy or composition. (3) d)Explain how you evaluated any improvements that were made in your performance in the chosen Structure, Strategy or Composition. (4)
Future Development Needs Fast break improved – next step…………. Possible future development need 1.Set – play for when fast break doesn’t work? 2.Defensive strategies? Think… Does anything affect which of the above you choose… Earlier questions…. (b)When analysing your teams performance you will have identified strengths & weaknesses in your performance. Discuss how these affected your performance. … strength ½ court man-man defence, weaknesses fastbreak (c)When gathering data you will have identified strengths and weaknesses in your teams performance of their chosen SSC. (i)Explain what you found to be a strength…. Decision making – using set play when FB breaks down. Need to explain at this point that set play is not 100% successful.
Future Development Needs Possible future development need 1.Set – play for when fast break doesn’t work? 2.Defensive strategies? Key Content Introduction – How did you/when did you identify future development need. What is your main development need – why is this factor important (when would you use it) Explanation of how the weakness is affecting your teams performance Explanation of how you intend to gather more specific information on development need How will overall performance be improved by improving future development need
Be aware….. The order in which questions are asked in the SSC section of the paper can vary. Unlike the other two areas it’s not as easy to predict the order in which questions will be asked. See the next slide for an example… Slide 1 - Higher Slide 2 - Intermediate 2
Describe a structure, strategy or composition you have used in an activity of your choice. Discuss how you considered 2 of the following: Speed in attack Width/Depth/Mobility Using Repetition, Variation and Contrast The importance of Creativity. (6) Describe how you gathered data on this SSC and discuss the areas for development you identified. (6) Describe how you addressed the weaknesses highlighted in part (b). Explain the actions you took. (4) What improvements can now be observed in your whole performance? (4) Describe your role within, a Structure, Strategy or Composition you have used. Discuss some of the decisions you had to make to ensure you carried out your role effectively. (6) Discuss some of the problems that either you or your team/group experienced when applying this Structure, Strategy or Composition. (4) Explain how you evaluated any improvements that were made in your performance in the chosen Structure, Strategy or Composition. (6) When evaluating your performance you will have identified additional weaknesses. Explain how you could further improve your overall performance. (4)
Describe, in detail, your chosen structure, strategy or composition. (4) Describe how you gathered data on the effectiveness of your structure, strategy or composition. (4) Describe any problems you had when using the chosen structure, strategy or composition. (4) How would you change or adapt your structure, strategy or composition to develop your performance? (4) Explain the importance of decision making in relation to a structure, strategy or composition. Give examples. (4) Choose two elements from the list below. Space, Speed, Variation Motifs, Creativity, Design form, Width/Depth/Mobility Describe, in detail, how you ensured you applied the two elements in your selected structure, strategy or composition. (6) Explain the benefits of the structure, strategy or composition. (4) How did you develop your performance of your chosen structure, strategy or composition. (6) Give examples of what you would work on next. Describe how this would further develop your performance. (4)