V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt CRGAQS: CAMx 2004 PSAT Results Presentation to the Gorge Study Technical Team By ENVIRON International Corporation June 6, 2007
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt Today’s Presentation Describe latest CAMx simulations –Use of PSAT on: August 2004 Base Year scenario November 2004 Base Year scenario Next Steps
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PM Source Apportionment Technology What is PSAT? –Emissions of PM and gas precursors are stratified by source category and by source region –Tracers are used to tag emissions from each category-region pair and to track their transport, chemical evolution, and fate
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PM Source Apportionment Technology –Tracers are run for species groups: Sulfur (SO2 and PSO4) Nitrogen (NOx, NOy, nitric acid, ammonia, PNO3, and PNH4) Organics (VOC, condensable hydrocarbon products, and SOA components) Primary PM (carbonaceous, fine/coarse dust, and fine/coarse other PM)
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PSAT 2004 Base Case Quantify source attribution at Mt Zion and Wishram 12 source categories by 6 source regions –10 source categories + IC + BC –Region 6 handles all emissions outside the 4- km grid Sulfur, nitrogen, and primary PM groups Organics: let core model report biogenic vs. anthropogenic apportionment
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PSAT 2004 Base Case
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PSAT 2004 Base Case Source categories: –On-road mobile sources –Non-road mobile sources –Ammonia sources –Other area sources –Electric generating units (EGU) –Pulp mills –Wildfires –Other fires –Other point sources –All emissions outside the 4-km grid
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PSAT 2004 Base Case 6x10 category/region matrix + IC/BC = 62 unique tracers Sulfur (2 species), Nitrogen (7 species), primary PM (6 species) for each tracer –Total = 930 total tracers in PSAT To “fit” the model into memory: –Run only the 4- and 12-km grids 36-km grid results used to extract 12-km BC’s –10-day spin-up was not run for PSAT 12-km 3-D concentration fields on August 10 used as IC’s
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PSAT 2004 Base Case PSAT results were post-processed for two monitoring sites along the Columbia River: –Mt Zion, and Wishram –Report results for the episode-average source apportionment (August 10-22, November 3-18) –Tables presented for “top” ranked emission category-region pairings Represent 90%+ mass concentrations for each species
V:\corporate\marketing\overview.ppt PSAT August 2004 Results
0.9 ug/m 3
PSAT November 2004 Results
Next Steps Finish PSAT (2018 August and November) Complete report