Review of BGREI Assam Date : 27th October, 2015
Target (1st installment) Physical & Financial Achievement during 2014-15 (Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Component Unit Target (1st installment) Achievement Phy. Fin. 1. Rice Demonstration Ha. a. Shallow Water Rice 12484 963.300 889.31 b. Medium Water Rice 7642 573.150 539.37 c. Deep Water Rice 2450 183.750 165.76 d. HYV 16018 1201.350 949.41 e. Hybrid 12733 954.975 14084 874.37 Total : 51327 3849.525 52678 3418.22 2. Asset Building : Shallow Tube Well No. 1800 216.000 2540 200.240 Pump Set 180.000 162.680 Conoweeder 10029 60.174 13522 Manual Sprayer 20000 120.000 18568 111.408 586.674 534.502
Target (1st installment) Physical & Financial Achievement during 2014-15 (Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Component Unit Target (1st installment) Achievement Phy. Fin. 3. Site Specific Needs a. STW with 5HP diesel pump set No. 1850 407.00 1950 380.64 b. Low Lift Pump (LLP) 1630 244.50 1854 c. STW with 2 HP electric motor 1683 168.30 1940 194.00 Total : 819.80 819.14 4. Marketing Support Financial support to women SHG for establishment of chira/muri processing unit 88 44.00 Grand Total : 5300.00 4815.862
BGREI, 2014-15 Financial Status 1st installment 2nd installment Total Fund received Fund utilised Fund utilised (committed) 5300.000 4815.862 2300.000 2784.138 7600.000 Addl. Action Plan, 2014-15 for Rs. 2784.138 lakh includes unspent balance of 1st installment of Rs. 484.138 lakh and release of Rs. 2300.00 lakh as 2nd installment by GOI.
Target (2nd installment of 2014-15) Physical & Financial Achievement during Kharif, 2015 (Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Component Unit Target (2nd installment of 2014-15) Achievement Phy. Fin. Fin. (Comtd) 1. Rice Demonstration Ha. a. Shallow Water Rice 8150 611.250 8212 b. Medium Water Rice 3275 245.625 c. Deep Water Rice 1050 78.750 1124 d. HYV 6865 514.875 Total : 19340 1450.500 19476 2. Asset Building : Shallow Tube Well No. 1817 218.040 Pump Set 181.700 399.740
Target (2nd installment of 2014-15) Physical & Financial Achievement during Kharif, 2015 (Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Component Unit Target (2nd installment of 2014-15) Achievement Phy. Fin. Fin. (Comtd) 3. Site Specific Needs a. STW with 5HP diesel pump set No. 1524 381.000 b. Low Lift Pump (LLP) 800 120.000 c. STW with 2 HP electric motor 1940 194.000 d. Water conveyance pipe RM 955592 238.898 Total : 933.898 Grand Total : 2784.138
Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Preparedness for Rabi, 2015-16 (Financial Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Intervention Unit Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Phy. Fin. 1. Cluster Demonstrations (100 ha each) (40% of total financial allocation) Paddy : (60% of total allocation on demo.) (i) Line Transplanting Ha. 3600.0 270.00 2500 (ii) SRI (iii) Stress tolerant varieties 12234.4 917.58 7396 (v) Hybrid varieties 14485.6 1086.42 10201 PULSES IN RICE FALLOW AREA : (40% of total allocation on demo.) (vi) Cropping System based (Rice followed by Pulse-Peas) 13568 1696.00 18551 Total : 4240.00 2. Production of Seeds : (a) Certified Seeds 53000 530.00
Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Preparedness for Rabi, 2015-16 (Financial Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Intervention Unit Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Phy. Fin. 3. Distribution of Seeds : (a) Hybrid seeds Qtl. 8480 424.00 (b) Certified Seeds 63600 636.00 Total : 1060.00 4. Nutrient Management and Soil Ameliorants : (a) Micro-nutrients 80000 400.00 (b) Bio-fertilizers 43333.33 130.00 530.00 5. Integrated Pests Management : (a) PP Chemicals & Bio-Pesticides/Bio-Agents 60000 300.00 (b) Weedicides 24800 124.00
Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Preparedness for Rabi, 2015-16 (Financial Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Intervention Unit Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Phy. Fin. 6. Asset Building : a)Shallow Tube Well No. 8000 960.00 b) Pump set 800.00 c) Power Tiller (8 BHP & above) 480 360.00 Total : 2120.00 7. Site Specific Activities : (i) STW with diesel engine Pumpset 2480 545.60 ii) LLP 1000 150.00 iii) Conveyance pipe for effective supply of irrigated water RM 1160000 290.00 985.60
Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Preparedness for Rabi, 2015-16 (Financial Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Intervention Unit Target of 2015-16 approved by SLSC Action taken for implementation Phy. Fin. 8. Post Harvest & Marketing Support : (i) Modern compact Rice Mill 200-250Kg/Hr(3-5 HP Motor) No. 325 487.50 (ii) IRRI super gunny bag 47222.22 42.50 Total : 530.00 9. Cropping system based trainings (4 sessions)(1%) 757 105.98 GRAND TOTAL : 10525.58
Demonstration organized on Stress Tolerant Rice varieties during 2015-16 (as on 15.10.2015) Sl. No. Variety Qty. of seed (qtl.) No. of demo. Area (ha.) No. of beneficiary 1 Swarna Sub 1 (Kharif, 2015) 3505.60 88 8,764 21,910 2 Shabhagi Dhan (Kharif, 2015) 1000.00 25 2,500 6,250 3 Shabhagi Dhan (Rabi, 2015-16) 2958.40 74 7,396 18,498 Total : 7464.00 187 18,660 46,658
Impact of implementation of BGREI Increasing trend of Rice production. Farmers taking up Rice cultivation more extensively with HYV / Hybrid seeds, with appropriate technology. Production & Yield of Rice during 2013-14 (Production in lakh MT & Yield in Kg. per hectare) Types of Rice Average Production & Yield during 4 years of pre BGREI (2006-07 to 2009-10) Production & Yield after 4 years of BGREI (2013-14) Percentage increase after 4 years of BGREI Production Yield Winter Rice 25.82 1563 37.09 2002 44% 28% Summer Rice 7.49 2159 11.90 2981 59% 38% Total 33.31 1666 48.99 2176 47% 31% Increase in production due to implementation of BGREI Area covered Production with State’s overall yield (Winter + Summer) Production with yield in BGREI areas Yield per ha. Production 72659 ha. 2175 Kg. 1.57 lakh MT 3742 2.70 lakh MT Increase in production due to implementation of BGREI : 1.13 lakh MT.
Impact of implementation of BGREI Production & Yield of Rice during 2014-15 (as anticipated by Agriculture Department) (Production in lakh MT & Yield in Kg. per hectare) Types of Rice Average Production & Yield during 4 years of pre BGREI (2006-07 to 2009-10) Production & Yield after 5 years of BGREI (2014-15) Percentage increase after 5 years of BGREI Production Yield Winter Rice 25.82 1563 38.98 2040 51% 31% Summer Rice 7.49 2159 12.35 2975 65% 38% Total 33.31 1666 51.33 2207 54% 32% Increase in production due to implementation of BGREI Area covered under BGREI Production of Rice with State’s overall yield (Winter + Summer) Production of Rice with yield in BGREI areas (Winter + Summer) Yield per ha. Production 72018 2207 1.58 3791 2.71 Increase in production due to implementation of BGREI : 1.13 lakh MT.
Impact of implementation of BGREI Under “Assets Building Component” – 32,109 nos. of Pump Sets installed creating 64,218 ha. additional assured irrigated area till 31st March, 2015 paving way for double cropping. Contribution of BGREI to total assured irrigation facility created by Agriculture Department (till 31st March, 2015) Source of irrigation All schemes / programmes including BGREI (since 2010-11) BGREI alone (since 2010-11) No. installed Assured irrigation facility created (lakh ha.) Shallow Tube Well (STW) 252231 5.04 22,755 0.45 Low Lift Pump (LLP) 30061 0.60 9354 0.19 Total : 282292 5.64 32109 0.64 % contribution of BGREI to total Assured Irrigation during 5 years of implementation (2010-11 to 2014-15) 11% Total assured irrigation facility created by Agriculture Department till 31st March, 2015 : 7.33 lakh hectare (26% of Net Cropped Area)
Impact of implementation of BGREI Contribution of BGREI to total farm power created by Agriculture Department (till 31st March, 2015) Diesel Pump set (engine) installed 6,344 nos. Electrical Pump set (motor) installed 25,765 nos. Mechanical Farm Power made available under BGREI during 5 years of implementation (2010-11 to 2014-15) 0.06 HP per ha. Mechanical Farm Power made available under all schemes (2010-11 to 2014-15) 0.69 HP per ha. % contribution of BGREI to total Mechanical Farm Power (2010-11 to 2014-15) 9% Total Farm Power made available by Agriculture Department till 31st March, 2015 : 1.25 HP per hectare.
Availability of seeds during 2016-17 (Kharif + Rabi) Sl. No. Crop Variety Requirement (qtl.) Source 1 Paddy Abhishek, CR Dhan 500, MTU 1010, MTU 1001, Pratikha, Swarna Sub 1, Gitesh, Ciherang Sub 1, Shabhagi Dhan 5,19,635 SAU, SSC, NSC, Private Agencies, Registered growers, Departmental Farms 2 Blackgram Pant Urd 31, WBU 109 12,715 SAU, SSC, Private Agencies 3 Greengram IPM-02-14, TMB-3, HUM-16 6,810 4 Pea VL Matar-42, HU DP-15 13,490 NSC, SAU, SSC, Private Agencies 5 Lentil Azad Masur, HUL 57, Moitree, Pant-406 7,420 6 Sesamum PB-1 1,055 SSC, Private Agencies 7 Rapeseed / Mustard TS-36, Pusa Mehak, M-27, TS-46, TS-38 38,418 SAU, SSC, Departmental Farms 8 Jute Tarun 6,825 NSC, SAU, SSC
Assessment of Kharif, 2015 Area, Production & Yield of Crops (Area : lakh ha., Production : lakh MT, Yield : Kg. per ha.) Sl. No. Crop Achievement, 2014-15 (departmental assessment) 2015-16 (anticipated achievement / target) Area Production Yield 1. Autumn Rice 1.96 2.73 1413 1.65 2.35 1450 2. Winter Rice 18.83 37.20 2006 19.25 38.68 2040 3 Total Kharif Rice 20.79 39.93 1950 20.90 41.03 1993 4. Kharif Maize 0.22 0.61 2775 0.26 0.76 2915 5. Kharif Pulses 0.70 0.46 656 0.79 0.53 670 6. Kharif Foodgrains 21.71 41.00 1916 21.95 42.32 1956 7. Kharif Oilseeds 0.09 0.06 712 0.11 0.08 744 8. Jute 0.71 1.33 1870 0.72 1.38 1915 9. Sugarcane 0.31 11.58 37340 11.82 38105
Crop Cutting Experiments Result of Crop Cutting Experiments
Result of Crop Cutting Experiments under BGREI, 2014-15 (Crop Winter Paddy) Rice Season Rice Type Variety No. of CC Experiments Average yield of Paddy as per CC Experiment (Kg. per ha.) Average yield of Rice as per CC Experiment Winter, 2014-15 HYV Swarna Sub-1 42 5695 3221 Hybrid JKRH-401 52 6326 3578
Result of Crop Cutting Experiments under BGREI (Crop : Summer Paddy) Rice Season Rice Type Variety No. of Crop Cutting Expts. Average Yield of Paddy per hectare (Kg.) Average yield of Rice per hectare (Kg.) Green weight Dry weight (89.04% of Green weight) Summer, 2013-14 HYV IR 64, Ranjit, MTU 1010 131 5406 4814 3008 Hybrid Arize 6444, PAC 835, JKRH 401, DRRH 2, Rajlakhmi 125 6786 6042 3776 Summer, 2014-15 Sahbhagi Dhan 130 7093 6316 3947 JKRH-401, PAC 835, DRRH 2, NPH 942-1 15 7041 6269 3919
Result of Crop Cutting Experiments on HYV Paddy under BGREI, 2014-15 (Crop : Winter Paddy - Variety : Swarna Sub 1) District No. of CC Expt. conducted Average Yield (Kg.) Paddy Rice per hectare (after 9.5% driage) Per plot ( 5X5 sq.m) Per hectare Dhubri 1 9.16 3664 2072 Goalpara 2 12.71 5084 2876 Hailakandi 4 13.25 5302 2999 Jorhat 10 14.20 5681 3213 Kamrup (R&M) 14 14.80 5921 3349 Nagaon 7 15.93 6373 3604 Nalbari 13.16 5263 2977 Dima Hasao 11.67 4668 2640 All CC Expts. 42 14.24 5695 3221
Result of Crop Cutting Experiments on Hybrid Paddy under BGREI, 2014-15 (Crop : Winter Paddy - Variety : JKRH-401) District No. of CC Expt. conducted Average Yield (Kg.) Paddy Rice per hectare (after 9.5% driage) Per plot ( 5X5 sq.m) Per hectare Cachar 12 17.38 6951 3931 Darrang 4 17.19 6875 3888 Jorhat 6 18.43 7370 4169 Golaghat 18 14.73 5891 3332 Nagaon 15.43 6174 3492 Nalbari 12.38 4950 2800 Sibsagar 2 16.70 6680 3778 All CC Expts. 52 15.82 6326 3578
Result of Crop Cutting Experiments under BGREI, 2014-15 (Crop : Summer Paddy - Variety : HYV - Sahbhagi Dhan) District No. of CC Expt. Yield of Paddy (Kg.) Average yield of Rice per hectare Total yield of Expt. Plots Average yield per plot Average yield per hectare Average yield per hectare after driage (10.96%) Darrang 6 86.06 14.34 5737 5109 3193 Dhubri 7 117.50 16.79 6714 5978 3737 Golaghat 2 38.80 19.40 7760 6910 4318 Kamrup (R & M) 20 326.85 16.34 6537 5821 3638 Nagaon 56 1185.70 21.17 8469 7541 4713 Nalbari 34 485.72 14.29 5714 5088 3180 Sibsagar 5 64.72 12.94 5178 4610 2881 Total : 130 2305.35 17.73 7093 6316 3947
Result of Crop Cutting Experiments under BGREI, 2014-15 (Crop : Summer Paddy - Variety : Hybrid) District No. of CC Expt. Yield of Paddy (Kg.) Average yield of Rice per hectare Total yield of Expt. Plots Average yield per plot Average yield per hectare Average yield per hectare after driage (10.96%) Darrang 5 95.9 19.180 7672.000 6831 4269 Golaghat 4 71.10 17.775 7110.000 6331 3957 Hailakandi 3 44.45 14.817 5926.667 5277 3298 Jorhat 52.60 17.533 7013.333 6245 3903 Total : 15 264.05 17.603 7041.333 6270 3919