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Today’s exciting topics…. Living Things, Domains and Kingdoms, and Bacteria !
Classification of Living Things Bacteria 101 Anything Goes! Domains and Kingdoms Characteristics of Living Things Bacteria True/False PowerPoint Jeopardy
Bacteria are prokaryotic. What does this mean?
Prokaryotic means that a cell does not have a nucleus or any other membrane bound organelles. Back to Game Board
Bacteria have been divided into two domains. Name the two domains of bacteria.
Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Back to Game Board
To what kingdom do the “true” or common bacteria belong?
Kingdom Eubacteria Back to Game Board
The ancient forms of bacteria that can survive in very hostile environments belong to what kingdom?
Kingdom Archaebacteria Back to Game Board
One of the ways that the bacteria are separated into two different domains is based on the chemical composition of their cell walls. Are the cell walls of Archaea similar or different from Eubacteria?
different Back to Game Board
Identify the structure below. What is its function?
1) The structure is flagella. 2) Its function is to help the bacteria move. Back to Game Board
These pictures represent the three different shapes of bacteria. Even though the shapes are different, name 2 ways they are all similar. coccus (sphere shape) bacilli (rod shape) Spirillium (spiral shape)
1) They are single –celled. 2) They are prokaryotes(lack nucleus). 3) They are in the Bacteria Kingdom. Back to Game Board
You have been asked to investigate a new species. It has : 1) It has only 1 cell 2) no nucleus 3) is found on areas where eubacteria are found. 4) It grows when placed in sunlight. What cell type is it ? _____________________ What cell number is it ?___________________ Is it able to make its own food? _____________ What is that called?_______________________
prokarote unicellular sunlight autotoph Back to Game Board
Look at the picture below. What type of bacterial reproduction is it? Both names, please.
Asexual or binary fission Back to Game Board
List two reasons why bacteria are important to humans.
They are important as decomposers (breakdown of dead organisms. They are used to make a variety of foods (yogurt, sour cream, cheese, etc.) Located in stomach to help animals digest their food. Back to Game Board
An new organism was found in the Amazon jungle- it is multicellular. To what domain does it probably belong ?
Eukaryote, because all multicellular organisms have a nucleus. Back to Game Board
Bacteria reproduce most often by binary fission. Describe this process.
During binary fission a single cell divides to form two identical cells. It is asexual reproduction. Back to Game Board
Look at the photo below. What type of organism is most likely to live there? Why?
Back to Game Board Archaea, because they are most likely to live in extreme environments.
In order to be considered part of a species you must have 3 things. What are they?
1.Must have similar characteristics. 2.Must be able to produce fertile offspring. 3. Must have similar DNA. Back to Game Board
The scientific study of how living things are classified is called ____________.
Taxonomy. Back to Game Board
Both Archaea and Eubacteria have similar characteristics. Name 2 of them.
1)They are prokaryotes 2)They are unicellular 3)They may be autotrophs or heterotrophs. 4)They have been on Earth for billions of years. Back to Game Board
What name is given to the short sticky structures that help attach a bacterium to a food source or to another bacterium?
pilus Back to Game Board
Is the DNA of Bacteria contained in a nucleus?
No, that is why they are called prokaryotes (before nucleus). It is a single, circular strand of DNA. Back to Game Board
Which is not one of the 4 kingdoms of eukaryotes? 1)fungi 2)protists 3)archaea 4)plants
3) archaea. They are prokaryotes. Back to Game Board
The process of change that occurs in an organism’s life to produce a more complex organism is called : 1)Response 2)Development 3)Evolution 4)growth
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What name is given to an organism that lives on dead, decaying matter?
decomposer Back to Game Board
You are investigating a new species found on the forest floor. It is a heterotroph, unicellular, and has a nucleus. To what kingdom does it probably belong?
Fungi Back to Game Board
What name is given to an organism that uses sunlight as a source of energy to build molecules of glucose?
Autotroph Back to Game Board
The 2 kingdoms that contain only heterotrophs are animals and: 1)Archaea 2)Fungi 3)Protists 4)bacteria
Back to Game Board 2) Fungi
Are some bacteria autotrophs and some heterotrophs?
Yes, some are autotrophs (plant-like) and some are heterotrophs (animal-like). Back to Game Board
True of False? All bacteria cause diseases.
False Most bacteria are beneficial or benign. Back to Game Board
Bacteria can reproduce at an amazing rate, doubling their numbers by cell division every 20 minutes.
True Back to Game Board
An organism that is made up of many cells is unicellular. True or False?
False. That would be multicellular. Back to Game Board
An organism whose cells contain a nucleus is a eukaryote. True or False?
True Back to Game Board
The 6 characteristics of living things are: 1)Have cells 2)The ability to move 3)Obtain and use energy 4) Respond to their environment 5) Grow and develop 6) Have chemicals of life
False 2) Movement is not a characteristic of living things. * The missing characteristic is reproduction. Back to Game Board