JEOPARDY Adjective Proper & Nouns & Possessive Demon. & Compound Pronouns Inter. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final
Adjectives 100 They describe what parts of speech Nouns & pronouns
Adjectives 200 The three common adjectives known as articles A, An, The
Adjectives 300 What is an indefinite article and name them Names a noun that is not specific (a, an)
Adjectives 400 What is a definite article and name it Names a specific noun (the)
Adjective 500 Name one of the four questions asked to find adjectives What kind? Which one? How many? How much?
Proper & Compound Adj. 100 What is a proper adjective? A proper noun used as an adjective
Proper & Compound Adj. 200 *Name the two ways that compound adjectives can be formed Combined & hyphenated
Proper & Compound Adj. 300 When does the word change form: 1. A proper noun used as an adj. 2. An adj. formed from a proper noun #2 - adj. from a proper noun
Proper & Compound Adj. 400 Which is correct: Canada goose or Canadian goose Canada goose
Proper & Compound Adj. 500 Which is correct: highpowered wings or high-powered wings High-powered
Nouns & Pronouns as Adj. 100 A noun or pronoun can be used as an adjective if it describes what? A noun
Nouns & Pronouns as Adj. 200 Give an example of the noun “shoe” used as an adjective Shoe salesman
Nouns & Pronouns as Adj. 300 Give an example of a noun used as an adjective AND a pronoun used as an adjective. Answers vary
Nouns & Pronouns as Adj. 400 Find the adjectives in the following sentence: The duck pond sometimes freezes during the harsh winters. Duck, harsh
Nouns & Pronouns as Adj. 500 Find all of the adjectives and tell what noun they describe: The wings of a duck are small for its body weight. Its=weight, body=weight
Possessive Adjectives 100 Define possessive adjective A word that describes a noun or pronoun and shows ownership
Possessive Adjectives 200 Name two examples of possessive pronouns used as adjectives My, your, his, her, its, our, their
Possessive Adjectives 300 When using a noun as a possessive adjective do you include an apostrophe? Give an example. yes
Possessive Adjectives 400 Give an example of a possessive noun being used as an adjective Answers vary - Mr. Smith’s dog
Possessive Adjectives 500 Give an example of a possessive pronoun being used as an adjective Answers vary - their presents
Demonstrative & Interrogative 100 Name the four demonstrative adjectives This, that, these, those
Demonstrative & Interrogative 200 Name the three interrogative adjectives Which, what, whose
Demonstrative & Interrogative 300 What is the demonstrative adjective in the following sentence: These gifts are for Christmas. These
Demonstrative & Interrogative 400 Name the adjective in the following sentence and label it demonstrative or interrogative: Which present is for Max? Which - interrogative
Demonstrative & Interrogative 500 What is the difference between demonstrative & interrogative adjectives? Demonstrative = points something out Interrogative = ask questions
FINAL JEOPORDY Find and label all of the adjectives in the following sentence AND tell what nouns they describe/modify: A dog was found on this street, but I don’t know if it is Mrs. Smith’s dog. A = indefinite (dog), this = demonstrative (street), Smith’s = possessive (dog)