Transition Management
// Transition Management in Germany -Different models as to the aim, tasks, personnel and financial ressources, duration and ist long-term coverage -Market-orientated integration of training and employment for prisoners and releasees in North-Rhine Westphalia -Focus: juvenile enforcement -ArJUS – project in Hesse : Labour market integration for young prisoners
// Managing the transition -Definiton: coordination and cooperation of all involved in the release procedures of a prisoner and follow-up care by all partners -Completion or start of a vocational preparation or a vocational training in prison with specific orientation on the job market -Placement and job application help during detention -Continuous support six months before and stretches up to six months after detention -Systemic handing over of prisoners to institutions supporting them thereafter -Provisioning of further stabilizing aid for the re-integration in cooperation with external professional services -Case Management
Support after Release Installation of Mentoring Network Integration Attendance while in Prison Statewide Cooperation in Hesse // Integration into Labour Market for Juvenile Offenders ar us Integration j j
// ArJuS Efforts and Results -Results: in three young offenders’ institutions/Hesse) -Change in project design 2010, implemented in Youth Penal System -Number of clients -Assignment of prisoners to ArJuS by social service: 847 -Release planning and after care: single case consultance: 575 -Releasees with continuos after care: 100 -Releasees accompanied by mentors: 44 -Registered cases of assignment to jobs, vocational training, preparatory classes: 185
- Establishing a Network in Hesse - Development of a Database - „Bridge to the Labour Market“ - Development of Mentoring - Public Relations // Transition Management
Migrant Organizations After Care Service Companies Chambers Ministries Educational Instutions / Employment Service Labour Agencies Other DCs IBQM/D LR Local Authorities Dentention Centre Wiesbaden // Network