By: Yeimy Salazar Teacher: Bertha Osorio CESDE 2015
you need to have these materials Keyboard. Flathead screwdriver. Warm water. Soap. Towel. Compressed air. Cotton balls. Rubbing alcohol. Optional: Digital camera hand-held vacuum.
Remove the keyboard.
Flip the keyboard upside down and gently shake it to dislodge any debris.
Turn the keyboard right-side up and rest on a flat surface.
Slide the tip of a flathead screwdriver under the bottom left key, pry.
In a container with water and soap put the keys.
Rinse the keys individually in fresh water and lay them on a towel to air-dry, let the keys dry for 24 hours.
Take a can of compressed air and spray the entire keyboard shell.
Dip the end a Cotton ball in ribbing alcohol and run it along the board, making sure to reach all the nooks and crannies.
When the keys have dried completely, reassemble the keyboard by snapping each key back into place.
Your keyboard looks like new!