SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 9 SAN Distance Learning Teachers responded to the survey. Numbers of first time and veteran DL teachers
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section A Technical
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree 1. I was able to clearly see all of my students at remote site(s). Technical Uncertain
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 2. I was able to clearly hear students and teacher aides at remote site(s). Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical Uncertain
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 3. Students at remote sites were able to hear me. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical Teacher Response
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Uncertain **Student response* from remote site perspective 16% 8% 76% Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree 3. Students at remote sites were able to hear me. Technical * Re: Hearing teachers, aides and students. Teacher Response
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 4. The Materials displayed over the network were clearly seen by students. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical 9 teachers responded to this question.
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 5. I felt comfortable using room equipment. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Technical 9 teachers responded to this question.
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree 6. The room design was adequate for my teaching purposes. Agree / Strongly Agree Technical Uncertain
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 7. I was satisfied with the technical support I received in dealing with network difficulties. Agree / Strongly Agree Technical Uncertain
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 8. Technically, the distance learning system performed well this year. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Technical
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section A Learning Environment
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 1. I could interact with individual students as often as I wanted. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Learning Environment
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 2. My interaction and rapport with students at remote sites was comparable to students at my home site. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Learning Environment
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 3. The distance learning system provides an effective way to teach classes. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Learning Environment
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section A Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 1. The system for transferring assignments between sites was adequate. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Teacher Response Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 1. The system for transferring assignments between sites was adequate. Uncertain **Student response* from remote site perspective 25% 9% 66% Agree / Strongly Agree Teacher Response Disagree / Strongly Disagree * From SAN DL student survey. Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 2. We had little trouble making up missed classes when necessary. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Teacher Response Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 2. We had little trouble making up missed classes when necessary. Uncertain Agree / Strongly Agree Teacher Response **Student response* from remote site perspective 12% 16% 11% 61% N/A Overall Program * From SAN DL student survey.
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree 3. The overall coordination of the project was effective. Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Agree / Strongly Agree 4. I would teach another course on the distance learning network. Overall Program Uncertain
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree Agree / Strongly Agree 5. I would recommend taking courses on the distance learning network to students at my school. Overall Program No response
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 6. I would recommend teaching courses on the network to colleagues. Overall Program Disagree / Strongly Disagree Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree Agree / Strongly Agree No response 7. Overall, I am satisfied with the experience I have had teaching via DL this year. Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain * First Year Instructors * 1. The training I received prior to teaching on the distance learning system prepared me well for teaching in the DL environment. Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Disagree / Strongly Disagree Agree / Strongly Agree Uncertain * First Year Instructors * 2. Teaching via distance learning has lived up to my expectations. Overall Program
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section B Teacher Comments
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Wider variety in course offerings. Students get some chance to observe students in other school situations Expand the student body and its diversity. Reach out to students of a higher caliber and who are motivated. It allows students to take classes that may not have been offered at their school. Meeting people and getting perspectives from other schools. Reaching more students. 1. What are the strengths of distance Learning? Comments
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I think students at the remote site felt slighted. In future, I want to zero in on students more often. It would be necessary to have the equipment functioning properly. Interaction with individuals, extra help, closer proximity to schools would make it easier for visits to happen more frequently. [It is] hard to have personal one-on-one with student at another site. Can not look into the eyes [of] each student. Grading 5 week notices are difficult because schools are on different schedules. We rely heavily on the tech in remote lab to answer questions. Noisy room (Computers, vent, interruptions). Cannot hear the students well. (Mikes need improvement). Room has no personality. (Generic) Not appropriate for speech class. Time schedule too far off by the end of the day. 2. What are the weaknesses of Distance Learning? Comments
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Only personal changes - I need to be sure I pay closer attention to students’ needs home and remote. Match schools that have similar schedules. remote sites need to remain in dl classroom during classes! They need to stay off camera and not interrupt the on-going class by speaking to students in remote rooms. Less interruptions and students missing classes. Make it quiet. Improve sound, this was a constant problem. Improve the computer so that the screen can be appropriately displayed on the network so that students see it and work with it as a model. Align the host-receiving schedule. Lag time getting assignments. The fax machine does not work great. More co- operation and work done through guidance office of both schools. 3. What changes would you suggest for distance learning classes? Comments
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I had expected a few bumps and problems but was pleased at how quickly my technical concerns were handled. [I] enjoyed meeting and getting to know other students. Students at remote site that just don't care about the course or their grades. Support technicians/coordinators did a marvelous job. They were very attentive to our needs and to fixing glitches. Hats off to them. They are irreplaceable. 4. Are there any outcomes from teaching this course that you had not expected? Comments
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I enjoy using the elmo. Great opportunity to be prepared for class without having to make transparencies, etc. Less hands on. More constructed notes. Much more animation - arm movements and facial expressions - more independent work. Comments 5. Did you use any new instructional methods to effectively teach in the DL classroom?
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I did not - next year. , faxing suggestions. We used at times, was convenient to send exams to proctors (fax would not have secured them). The receiving school did not have a phone!! Only a fax machine. Fax. Comments 6. Did you use any other forms of communication with the students in addition to daily …... distance learning classroom instruction (such as or telephone)?
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Comments 7. Did you visit your remote sites? There were nine surveys returned but only three responses to this question. No Yes No response
SAN Distance Learning Project Teacher Survey 2002 – 2003 School Year... BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Yes. I tried to do a visitation once a month. The students at the remote site must see the instructor to believe it's a real person. Yes, 1 week to each site got to know students but missed time in other classes. Yes, we had one great visit for lunch and a tour of the school. We really connected and enjoyed everyone. I visit 1 per month. No disadvantages to dl class. Require a substitute for some home school classes. Yes - 2 times and one time where all students met face to face. Advantage students feel more comfortable seeing you… Disadvantage - with further schools, I had to miss teaching my other classes. Once a term. Field trip to meet administrators. Remote students are better behaved when they're in the same room. Not this year because of my schedule. Comments 7B. What were the advantages / disadvantages to visiting your remote school(s)?