Full time PGCE Mathematics Introduction to Mathematics
Your starter for 10……
Pick Up Sticks From the pile of sticks, chose either 1,2 or 3 sticks at a time. The winner is the person who picks up the last stick.
Youth steals bag containing £5000 I William Dominic Zeluff, the well- publicised Cottonwood, bank robber, who calmly walked into the Chase Bank in April 2012 and left with a canvas bank bag filled with £5000 in pound coins, has been caught by police. THE DAILY NEWS THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 1879 Police investigators said they had received information that a man staying in a homeless shelter was involved in a bank robbery. This led to Zeluff‘’s arrest.
Judith Activity: To swap over the frogs and toads Rules: You may either: - slide one square into an empty space - hop one frog/toad over one other frog/toad into an empty space Aim: To find the rule for determine the minimum number of moves for any numbers of frogs and toads. Possible steps: What is the minimum for 2 frogs and 2 toads? How many slides & hops? How about 3 of each/ 4 of each etc? How about 2 frogs and 3 toads? What patterns are there?
Independent Study Tasks Read Williams (2008) Independent Review of Mathematics teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary Schools London: DCFS ( See reading pack for relevant pages) What are the key messages about: Attitudes towards mathematics Subject knowledge Read Jennings, S.F. (2006) ‘Personal development plans and self- directed learning for healthcare professionals: are they evidence based?’ Postgraduate Medical Journal. 83 pp Available at (Accessed: July 7 th, 2010) and Wilcox, S.W. (1996) ‘Fostering self-directed learning in the university setting.’ Studies in Higher Education. 21(2) pp What are the key messages about working independently? Watch the video on TED ( ‘Arthur Benjamin does Mathemagic’. Is this is what primary mathematics is about? Does learning need other people?
Rooms A – HJB 305 (Clare) B – HJB 5 (Judith) C 12-1 HJB 304 (Claire) 1 – 5 HJB 207
For discussion Have you solved the problem? Have you finished the investigation or is there something else you could do? What helped/hindered you in solving the problem?
Planning Focus Create a lesson structure using one of the modelled activities. What using and applying opportunities are there?
A Model for the Primary Mathematics Curriculum Facts Skills Concepts Processes Situations Attitudes Shuard,H. (1986) Primary mathematics today and tomorrow York:SCDC
David Burghes Mathematics Enhancement Project 1997 In his survey, Year 7 / 8 pupils were asked: ‘What do you think are the good qualities of the best maths teacher you ever had? They gave answers such as: Patience Sense of humour Give individual help Does not move on too quickly Checks and helps understanding Approachable and caring Makes mathematics enjoyable and fun Strict and good control of the class Doesn’t get cross if pupils do not understand Listen …..but, by far the most frequent response was gives clear explanations