Implemented bySupported by
Chalo Parrho Barrho Chalo Parrho Barrho (CPB)-Let’s Read and Grow is a learning enhancement campaign mobilized and implemented by citizens in response to the results of the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER 2010). ASER is also a citizen led learning survey based on evidence gathered through ASER.
ASER 2010 ASER 2010 survey was conducted in 32 rural districts of Pakistan A total of 19,006 households were surveyed in 960 villages across 32 districts Information was collected on 54,062 children
Children can read/do% of children Literacy Simple Stories34 Words but not Sentences19 Alphabets but not words17 Nothing15 Numeracy Division25 Subtraction44 Numbers Numbers ASER National Learning Outcomes (6-16 years)
Program Concept The data revealed that a significant percentage of children could not read nor do even basic arithmetic. So, a program was conceptualized whereby the main objective would be to enhance learning levels(reading and numeracy) of children of primary level through citizens mobilization and action.
Program Concept Identify Children with Low Learning Levels Unable to read sentences both in English and Urdu properly Unable to perform basic arithmetic operations CPB ( Combined activities for maximized learning – CAMAL- Methodology) Learning Enhancement classes Duration 4 months Improved Learning Levels of Children
Goals of CPB Children will be able to: Read alphabets, words, sentences and story (English and Urdu) Comprehend word meaning, simple instructions, and simple texts. Write correctly words, dictated sentences and self- constructed sentences Recognize and understand numbers Do, say and write addition, subtraction & addition problems Understand and use tables to solve multiplication and division problems
First Baithak - March (Community Meeting) Four main concerns of the community: Low Learning Levels of Children in School Out of School Children Literacy program for mothers Early Childhood Education
The program targets included: In-school children Improve learning levels of enrolled children in grades 1-5, who are risk of dropping out. Out of school children Catch up learning program to bring out of school children to a learning level where they can be mainstreamed into the formal school system. Program Components
Program Characteristics Educated volunteers are recruited from the targeted villages to conduct CPB Classes Volunteers are trained in CAMAL methodology 2 volunteers per school Duration 20 weeks Each milestone is overseen by the citizens of the locality
CPB Program - Team Design Local Community Local Community Activists/Volunteers ITA Field Teams and Govt. District Education Officers Remained active partners Research and M&E Team Provincial and National Advocacy/Policy Analysts
Targeted Community Pilot Phase Targeted Villages In the Pilot Phase Rawani –Multan district Wahid Buksh Lar-Rahim Yar Khan
100% Household Survey 100% Household Data-Rawani 100% Household Data- Wahid Buksh Lar Total Children (3-16 yrs) Enrolled In School Out of School Drop Out5666 Never Enrolled % who can read story-Urdu2219 % who can read alphabets-Urdu2210 % who can read Sentences-English1419 % who can read alphabets-English119 % who can do subtraction12 8 % who can recognize numbers
CBP Beneficiaries Pilot Phase DistrictVillageSchool No. of In-School children in CPB classes (at risk children) Out of School Children in CPB catch- up Classes MultanRawaniGovt. Boys Primary School MultanRawaniGovt. Girls Elementary School 74 Rahim Yar Khan Wahid Buksh Lar Govt. Boys Primary School Rahim Yar Khan Wahid Buksh Lar (WBL) Govt. Girls Primary School 39
CBP Program Steps 1.ASER Survey 2. ASER Baithaks (Community Meeting) for presenting ASER results 3.100% household survey of the targeted villages to get information on Out of school children of primary school going ages (drop outs and never enrolled) Enrolled Children Adolescent children (12-16 yrs) who are OOSC Learning Assessment of the children 4.Intervention Training in CAMAL Methodology CPB Classes 1.ASER Survey 2. ASER Baithaks (Community Meeting) for presenting ASER results 3.100% household survey of the targeted villages to get information on Out of school children of primary school going ages (drop outs and never enrolled) Enrolled Children Adolescent children (12-16 yrs) who are OOSC Learning Assessment of the children 4.Intervention Training in CAMAL Methodology CPB Classes Continued…
CBP Steps 5.Baseline Learning Assessment 6. Midterm Assessment 7.Baithak (Community Meeting) to share progress details and deal with any concerns and issues so far. 8.Final Assessment 9.Going back to the community with results of the intervention in an open large gathering – sharing and acknowledging action 10.Dissemination of the program report to government official and policy analysts- advocacy for a citizen led campaign taking action on the basis of evidence 5.Baseline Learning Assessment 6. Midterm Assessment 7.Baithak (Community Meeting) to share progress details and deal with any concerns and issues so far. 8.Final Assessment 9.Going back to the community with results of the intervention in an open large gathering – sharing and acknowledging action 10.Dissemination of the program report to government official and policy analysts- advocacy for a citizen led campaign taking action on the basis of evidence
Training Workshop (Multan)
Assessment Results
Assessment Results- Urdu Reading
Assessment Results
Assessment Results- English Reading
CPB Class Pictures
Assessment Results
Assessment Results- Mathematics
School Enrolment VillageSchoolEnrolment April 2011 Enrolment June 2011 % Increase in Enrolment RawaniGirls Elementary School % RawaniBoys Primary School % Out of a total of 218 children out of school in Rawani, 128 were enrolled i.e. 59% of the out of school population was enrolled during the regular school timings. Another 60 were enrolled in the catch up afternoon program making it a total of 188 (86 % )with 30 remaining out of school in 12 weeks!
School Enrolment VillageSchoolEnrolment April 2011 Enrolment June 2011 % Increase in Enrolment Wahid Buksh Lar Girls Primary School % Wahid Buksh Lar Boys Primary School % Out of a total of 278 children out of school in Wahid Buksh Lar, 67 were enrolled i.e. 24% of the out of school population was enrolled during the regular school timings. Another 95 were enrolled in the catch up afternoon program making it a total of 162 (58 % ) with another 116 remaining out of school in 12 weeks!
Results of the Pilot Intended /Planned Outcomes – Accelerated learning levels for both in-school and out of school children – Children up to the mark to be mainstreamed after the Summer Vacations – Teachers also learn the methodology aligned to their syllabus Un-Intended Consequences – Accelerated enrollment levels due to timely HH survey and beginning of school year – Head Teachers became conscious of their duties and using resources for children’s benefits : fans, drinking water, repairs
Future Plans The program will be scaled up to an entire District or Sub-district in September 2011! Multan District Education Officers keen to support the campaign and requested to target Jalalpur Pirwala A fundraising drive has begun raising an amount of Rs. 500 per children ( US $ 6 or UK Sterling 4 or Euro 4) for the 20 week campaign! Challenge remains sustainability of citizen motivation and vigilance for access and learning gains…..
Why CPB Is a Winning Strategy for the District Targets a locality 100% systematic household data on in-school and out of school children Community a witness to entire process and participates in the solution /with volunteers Learning data collected thrice during 20 weeks Baseline- Mid-term and End of Period - publicly displayed – with big gains of 13-30%! Enrollment level enhanced with enhanced learning ! A WIN -WIN High Impact Low Cost Program feeding into the CM’s Roadmap to Reforms perfectly …
Acknowledgement Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI) Pratham