Lecture 12 Namespaces Exceptions Type casting Pre-processor directives
Namespaces :: – The scope operator allows us to access elements within a namespace or known class/struct/enum A namespace can encapsulate functions, classes, structs and enums A namespace allows elements with the same name to exist Anything not in a namespace is part of the global namespace
Exceptions Exceptions can be used to catch runtime errors Exceptions are held within a try {} catch(int e) {} block. The catch block can be used to identify the exception that occurs through a function argument (…) ellipsis can be used to catch any exception (default exception handling The catch value is thrown using the throw keyword
Exceptions cont. The C++ standard library provides an exception base class using #include It has a virtual function called ‘what’ which returns a char* This class can be used to throw detailed exception messages defined in the derived classes
Standard exceptions exceptiondescription bad_alloc thrown by new on allocation failure bad_cast thrown by dynamic_cast when it fails in a dynamic cast bad_exception thrown by certain dynamic exception specifiers bad_typeid thrown by typeid bad_function_callthrown by empty function objects bad_weak_ptr thrown by shared_ptr when passed a bad weak_ptr
Basic exceptions
Using standard lib exceptions
Custom exceptions
Preprocessor Preceded by a # There is no end line statement (;) Can only extend through multiple lines using a backslash #define fact(f,n) for (f=1; (n); (n)--)\ f*=n; Is examined before compilation
Preprocessor #define – defines a name as a value #undef – removes that definition #ifdef IDENTIFIER_NAME – If it is defined this code can be compiled #ifndef – If the identifier is not defined, run this code #if #elif #error used to throw a compile error
Preprocessor cont. #include – used to include files #line [“filename”] #line 13 “myfile.txt” #pragma – compiler specific macros, GCC generally avoids #pragma directives but includes some for general compatibility
Always defined macros __FILE__ – name of source file being compiled __DATE__ Mmm dd yyyy of compilation start __TIME__ hh:mm:ss time of compilation start __cplusplus
Technical demo 9/10 th of April Course representation Ball (moving) Ball wall collisions Ball obstacle collisions Ball hole collision Putting stick/indicator Putting stick interaction with ball Software engineering Data structures use OpenGL feature use Variations on standard behaviour GUI Extras