Total Fall 07 departmental enrollment was 1377 undergraduates: 414 AE and 963 ME 234 graduate students A UG increase of 500 students, or 57.0% since A GR increase of 234 students, or 56% since tenure-track faculty (3 new tenure-track faculty/yr planned) 7 lecturers 1 teaching assistant professor 18 staff
248,000 square feet 103M$ for building and infrastructure 80 laboratories Expected occupancy in August of 2010
Funding for our laboratories (MAE 305, 306, 469, 495, and 517/534) increased from 50K$ to 95K$. MAE 306: A new hands-on experiment for a Rankine cycle steam turbine power system. MAE 416, 495, and 479: A rapid prototyping 3D printer.
Supports 8 MAE students for conducting UG research in the broad area of energy under the supervision of a faculty mentor Each award consists of a $2000 stipend The first awards will be advertised in September
Brick Campaign
AE and ME Requirements 1. The student must complete a total of nine hours of honors classes. 2. At least three of the hours consist of an Undergraduate Thesis (MAE 496). The thesis is completed at least one semester before graduating. 3. The other six hours are selected from any of the following: Additional thesis hours (MAE 586), A graduate class in MAE, An undergraduate class in MAE taken at an honors level. 4. Honors contract guidelines and forms are found at the MAE website. Students normally enter the Honors Program by invitation. Faculty may also nominate unusually promising students who do not meet all of these criteria. To qualify for admission, the student must have an overall 3.50 grade point average or better at the time of admission and complete a plan of work. Students are recognized for having completed the honors program if they graduate with a 3.25 overall grade point average or better. Recognition for having completing the honors program is indicated on the student's transcript. It states on the transcript that the student has fulfilled the requirements of the honors program in the College of Engineering. Participation in the honors program can be a very positive experience and is highly encouraged.
We offer MS degrees in AE & ME We offer PhD degrees in AE & ME We offer Direct paths to PhD in AE & ME Most MS & PhD graduate students are supported through their graduate program. MS students generally complete their degree in 2 years and the PhD in an additional 3 years (Direct path in 4 years). You’ll hear more about graduate education opportunities from the Director of Graduate Programs, Dr. Nagel, at an ASME Lunch in September.