Jai Alai Jai Alai (Pelota Vasca) The game is called "zesta-punta" (basket tip) in Basque and “Pelota Vasca” in Spanish The game is called "zesta-punta" (basket tip) in Basque and “Pelota Vasca” in Spanish Jai alai ( /ˈhaɪ.əlaɪ/; Basque: [ˈxai aˈlai]) is a sport involving a ball bounced off a walled space. Jai alai ( /ˈhaɪ.əlaɪ/; Basque: [ˈxai aˈlai]) is a sport involving a ball bounced off a walled space. The term, is also often loosely applied to the fronton (the open-walled playing area) where the sport is played. The term, is also often loosely applied to the fronton (the open-walled playing area) where the sport is played.
The Basque Government promotes jai alai as "the fastest sport in the world” because it helds the world record for ball speed with a 125g–140g ball covered with goatskin that traveled at 302 km/h (188 mph), performed by José Ramón Areitio at the Newport Jai Alai in Rhode Island. The Basque Government promotes jai alai as "the fastest sport in the world” because it helds the world record for ball speed with a 125g–140g ball covered with goatskin that traveled at 302 km/h (188 mph), performed by José Ramón Areitio at the Newport Jai Alai in Rhode Island. The jai alai basket is called a "cesta", which is Spanish for basket. The jai alai basket is called a "cesta", which is Spanish for basket. Jai Alai (Pelota Vasca)
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Preguntas para el Examen 1.What is the Spanish word for Jai Alai? a)La Pelota Vasca b)El juego de Pelota c)Zesta –punta 2.Where is it from originally? a)Mexico b)Colombia c)Spain 3.Do Jai Alai players share the court with the opposition like in handball or squash? a)Yes b)No 4.What is the Spanish name of the item that Jai Alai players use to bounce the ball? a)La raqueta b)La cesta c)El palo de golf 5.Does the ball have to be caught on the fly or first bounce? a)Yes b)No 6.Why is Jai Alai considered a dangerous sport? a)There are too many players in the court b)Because of the ball speed c)The court is too small