TST Session 3.1. Step 3.a. Elaborating the Survey Plan WFP Markets Learning Programme1 Trader Survey Training
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to: List the five sections of a market analysis plan Adapt the WFP Generic Market Analysis Plan to fit local needs WFP Markets Learning Programme 2 Trader Survey Training
Nine Principles guide “The Four Step Approach” Step 2: Establishing field survey parameters Step 1: Formulation of assumptions Step 4: Supervision, analysis and reporting Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training WFP Markets Learning Programme Conducting a Trader Survey
WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 4 Training Survey plan Trader & Market questionnaires Step 3.C. Step 3.A. Step 3.B. Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training
Survey plan (team TOR) includes: Part I: Objectives Part II: Summary of assumptions (Step 1) Part III: Selection of market chains, products, markets, traders (Step 2) Part IV:The Analysis plan Part V:Timeline and team composition 2/20/20165 Survey planStep 3.A. In preparing the plan remember: it is crucial to consider the links between: “the 12, the 4 & the 1”
Part I: Objectives (remember “the 4”?): To provide: 6 month outlook on purchase, sales conditions & availability Explanation of causes of conditions of sale, purchase & availability Overview of market constraints Overview of market response capacity 2/20/20166 Survey plan, Part I: ObjectivesStep 3.A. To provide this information, the survey should answer “the 12” survey questions (Workbook Reading )
Recommendation on Part IV: The Analysis Plan: Have 1 overall analysis plan for FS assessment, and 1 separate analysis plan for market analysis - including the trader survey. Market analysis plan will be derived from overall FS analysis plan, thereby ensuring two can be integrated; this separation” also allows market analysis team to focus activities & be sufficiently guided by analysis plan 2/20/ Survey plan, Part IV: The Analysis Plan Step 3.A.
Generic market analysis plan can be adapted to local conditions and answer “the 12” survey questions Includes: questions & indicators/variables related to: 1. traders 2. key resource persons at market level 3. the HH survey 4. the community survey 5. the analysis of secondary data 2/20/ Survey plan, Part IV: The Analysis Plan Step 3.A.
2/20/ Step 3.A. Survey plan, Part IV: The Analysis Plan TopicTopic for Questionnaire Indicators to be calculated & analysed Report Chapter Prime Source Food availability Market response capacity Food access / sale and purchase conditions for households. Response analysis WFP Market Analysis Tool How to Conduct a Trader Survey? (See Handout)
2/20/ Survey planStep 3.A. As a team: 1.Review Generic Analysis Plan (Annex 1 of “How to Conduct a Trader Survey?”) 2.Develop analysis plan for Day Four trader survey (adapt Generic Plan as needed) Be sure to consider: Which secondary data do you already have? Which will require primary data collection? Which indicators will be calculated and analyzed? Enter adaptations on your team’s laptop; be prepared to present findings to plenary group
Exercise Debriefing WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 11 Please report: Major challenges you encountered in your market survey planning. How did you deal with these?