Controlled Task
What does this mean? Controlled Assessment is 60% of final mark Candidates should spend approximately 45 hours on the Controlled Assessment. Candidates should be involved in practical activities for a considerable amount of the time. Approximately 20 sides of A3 or 40 sides of A4 As part of the evidence submitted, candidates should include photographs of the final developed product and where possible include photographic evidence throughout the design folder.
CONTEXT: The Great British Bake Off Traditional bakeries and supermarket in store bakeries are very popular. Consumers are attracted to the freshly made products and the ever increasing range of sweet and savoury products available. Design Task Design and make an attractively finished product to be sold from a bakery.
CONTEXT: Cafe Culture Cafe culture is becoming increasingly popular. There are many coffee shop brands on the high street, in railway stations and shopping centres. Design and make an attractive sweet or savoury product to be sold from the counter in a coffee shop.
Context : Celebrating Society A wide range of different ingredients and food products are available to buy in supermarkets, restaurants and specialist shops. Design and make a product that celebrates the food from a country or culture of your choice.
How is it marked? Assessment Criteria Maximum Mark Allocation 1. Investigating the design opportunity 8 marks 2. Development of the design proposals 32 marks 3. Making 32 marks 4. Testing and Evaluation 12 marks 5. Communication 6 marks Total 90 marks
How does that translate into hours Assessment Criteria Maximum Mark Allocation 1. Investigating the design opportunity hours 2. Development of the design proposals – hours 3. Making hours 4. Testing and Evaluation – 6 hours Total 45 hours This should help you allocate sufficient time to each section
Which task do you think is most suitable for you? Design and make an attractive sweet or savoury product to be sold from the counter in a coffee shop. Design and make an attractively finished product to be sold from a bakery. Design and make a product that celebrates the food from a country or culture of your choice.
Task For each of the three topics mind map 1. The type of products you could make 2. The type of research you would need to do and where you would find it. 3. What skills could you demonstrate in this project? Are they High level skills? 4. Out of the three which project most appeals to you?
1. Investigating the Design Opportunity Analysis of the design task. Focus on key words and the research Analysis of the design task. Focus on key words and the research required to answer the design task. An explanation of different research methods is not required. An explanation of different research methods is not required. Concise, relevant and focused research should be produced. A Concise, relevant and focused research should be produced. A maximum of 2 sides of A3 or equivalent at the beginning with other research at relevant points of the design process. Focus on existing products and the target market/consumer. If a Focus on existing products and the target market/consumer. If a questionnaire is used the focus should be on the results. A copy of the questionnaire is not necessary. Letter writing should be avoided. Product appraisal should be carried out before or during Product appraisal should be carried out before or during development resulting in a clear insight into existing products. Practical research activities should be encouraged. Practical research activities should be encouraged. Encourage the use of prior knowledge and information learnt as part Encourage the use of prior knowledge and information learnt as part of the teaching of the specification. Focus on the analysis of the research findings. Focus on the analysis of the research findings. The intended target group/consumer must be considered throughout The intended target group/consumer must be considered throughout the project. Clear design criteria should be produced resulting from the research Clear design criteria should be produced resulting from the research allowing candidates to generate a range of design ideas.