New Summary Report - 17 June 2014 Survey: May Networking Event
1. Did you attend the event? ValuePercentCount Yes85.2%23 No14.8%4 Total27 Total Responses 27
2. If you did not attend, why? Weather and traffic Last minute problem on the office. The NFL Draft was that night and I went to a watch party instead. Previously scheduled engagement.
3. Please rate the value of networking events sponsored by PMI and PCA. ValuePercentCount No Value0.0%0 Little Value0.0%0 Neutral12.0%3 Some Valuable60.0%15 Significant Value28.0%7 Total25 Total Responses 25 Sum113.0 Average4.5 StdDev0.7 Max6.0
4. Was there adequate time for you to network and meet new people? ValuePercentCount Not Enought Time22.7%5 Just Enough Time77.3%17 Too Much Time0.0%0 Total22 Total Responses 22 Sum39.0 Average1.8 StdDev0.4 Max2.0
5. Was the panel discussion the right duration? ValuePercentCount Too Short17.4%4 Just Right69.6%16 Too Long13.0%3 Total23 Total Responses 23 Sum45.0 Average2.0 StdDev0.5 Max3.0
6. Was the overall event the right duration? ValuePercentCount Too Short13.6%3 Just Right81.8%18 Too Long4.6%1 Total22 Total Responses 22 Sum42.0 Average1.9 StdDev0.4 Max3.0
7. Please rate the content of the panel discussion on Agile ValuePercentCount Very Dissatisfied0.0%0 Dissatisfied9.1%2 Neutral13.6%3 Satisfied40.9%9 Very Satisfied36.4%8 Total22 Total Responses 22 Sum89.0 Average4.0 StdDev0.9 Max5.0
8. How well were your questions on Agile answered? ValuePercentCount Not Answered at All0.0%0 Answered Some13.6%3 Neutral22.7%5 Answered Most54.6%12 Answered All9.1%2 Total22 Total Responses 22 Sum79.0 Average3.6 StdDev0.8 Max5.0
9. How well did the panel balance the discussion between Agile project management and Agile product management? ValuePercentCount Too Much Project Management 21.1%4 Just Right73.7%14 Too Much Product Management 5.3%1 Total19 Total Responses 19 Sum35.0 Average1.8 StdDev0.5 Max3.0
10. How effective was the moderator? ValuePercentCount Not Effective0.0%0 Somewhat Effective13.6%3 Neutral18.2%4 Effective45.5%10 Very Effective22.7%5 Total22 Total Responses 22 Sum83.0 Average3.8 StdDev1.0 Max5.0
11. Please rate the venue (AT&T Center) ValuePercentCount Very Dissatisfied0.0%0 Dissatisfied0.0%0 Neutral0.0%0 Satisfied47.8%11 Very Satisfied52.2%12 Total23 Total Responses 23 Sum104.0 Average4.5 StdDev0.5 Max5.0
12. What suggestions would you make to improve future events Better signage at the venue to find the room. If held at the AT&T Center add information on how parking is handled. It was different than other parking garages I have been to. Adding a pre-paid parking option would be good. More info on product management was needed. None
13. Do you have suggested topics for future events? How about a discussion of Product Management Careers I'd be curious to learn more about what Product Marketing Managers do versus Product Managers (or Product Owners in Agile). And how do these 2 roles differ in Agile vs Waterfall or other methodologies? Intro to project and product management. Program & Portfolio Management Strategy Organizational Change Management
14. Do you have any other comments? Bring the costs of drinks down Good collaboration between two great organizations. Kudos to the volunteers and the boards. Lease keep this partnership growing. Great event - I want to see more. I would like to attend more of these events.