Black Birds & Some A little Gray Birds w/Dash of Color Leaf Identification
Row 1, Col 1 What is an American Crow?
1,2 What is Ring-billed Gull?
1,3 What is a Northern Cardinal?
1,4 What a Paw Paw?
2,1 What is a European Starling?
2,2 What a Mourning Dove?
2,3 What is a is a Blue Bird?
2,4 What is Oak leaf?
3,1 What is a Grackle?
3,2 What is a Great Blue Heron?
3,3 What is a Goldfinch?
3,4 1) What is a Maple leaf? 2) What is a Tulip Poplar leaf? 1) 2)
4,1 What is a Canada Goose?
4,2 What is a Herring Gull?
4,3 What is a House Sparrow?
4,4 1) What is a Beech Tree leaf? 2) What is a Hickory leaf? 1) 2)
5,1 What is an American Robin?
5,2 What is a Nuthatch?
5,3 What is a Song Sparrow?
5,4 1)Birds of prey have binocular vision. This is 3 dimensional and important for distances and hunting. 2)Song birds have monocular vision. This allows eyes to see far to the side and detect predators. Double Jeopardy!! Name the 2 types of vision. Explain the differences & importance, Also, give examples.
1)What is 9000 birds? 2)Hummingbird is 2 inches and weighs less than1 ounce? 3)Hollow bones and less bones 4)Reptile FINAL JEOPARDY 1) How many species of birds? 2) What is the smallest bird and what is its length and weight? 3) Why are bird skeletons so light? 4) Birds most closely resemble what other group of animals?