Let’s talk about… COMMUNICATION
What is communication? Sender and Receiver Expressive (output) Receptive (input) Verbal (using your voice) Nonverbal (without using your voice)
Types of Communication… Expressive: Writing Speaking Texting Playing music/singing Assistive Technology devices (nonverbal or unintelligible) Receptive Listening Understanding a message Body language
Fill in the blank… ___% of communication is nonverbal.
Some people say 90% is nonverbal Some people say 53% face/body, 38% is voice, 7% words
Assistive Technology (AT) AT is tool that helps a person access his/her environment and do the task and he or she needs to do.
Challenge: Emotion Charades Using only assistive technology, ask the class a question.
When in doubt… …make it visual!! Here’s how: Write it down or text it Draw a picture Find a picture on the internet Act it out
Shout-outs about what you learned today…
GAC is where it’s at! G = Greeting A = Ask a question(s) a = wait and listen to an answer C = Close
Let’s practice… Pick a topic of interest (and try to stick to it) Practice sequence Switch roles
Challenge #2: IPS Books Great tools for beginning a conversation Present Practice
When in doubt… …make it visual!! Here’s how: Write it down or text it Draw a picture Find a picture on the internet Act it out
Challenge #3: Cupcake Wars! When: February 14 th, 2012 What: Make delicious cupcakes of your choosing to be judged by a panel Who: IPS Small Group How: You and your small group will decide on a cupcake recipe of your choice, make a visual recipe, bring in the ingredients, make the cupcakes, and present them to judges
Cupcake Wars! Tuesday, February 7 th – Erin presents Introduce Cupcake Wars! – go over rubrics Find a recipe Thursday, February 9 th – Create & finish visual (1hour) *SURPRISE* Plan Friday, February 10 th – More plan time Have supplies or money to go get supplies REFLECTION Monday, February 13 th – supplies at school & cook Tuesday, February 14 th – final touches & presentation
Judging Criteria: Group # ___1 - Poor2 - Mediocre3 - Good4 - Excellent Taste Presentation Use of “secret” ingredient