Indiana Department of Environmental Management Pollution Prevention Activities Jennifer Schick, Branch Chief Pollution Prevention Branch March 17, 2010
“Reducing Toxics in Indiana through P2” grant Funded by EPA P2 grant – FY $160,000 1.Identify Indiana companies or communities using toxics that are on the Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) and Regional Priority Chemical list. 2.Provide technical assistance to those entities. 3.Provide grants to fund identified projects through a competitive grant program in Fall Measure results.
Energy Management Pilot Project Working with EPA Region 5 Water Office 1.Identified 14 Water and Wastewater utilities to participate in 2 year project 2.Goal to demonstrate the applicability of the guidebook, create energy management plans at each participating utility, and demonstrate cost savings 3.Providing monthly conference calls for technical, financial and other information 4.Working with Energy Star Portfolio Manager to track data and get rankings for the wastewater utilities
Other Core Pollution Prevention Activities 1.Environmental Stewardship Program – Currently has 50 members 2.CLEAN community challenge – 13 member communities 3.Partners for Pollution Prevention – 60 members 4.Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessments Total reductions from participation in these voluntary programs in CY2009 were approx. 4.8 billion pounds