Best Console
History of By: Trevor
About Nintendo Card Company (hanafuda) Largest video game company Market value $85 billion American Unique(tablet)
First Products Cards(Hanafuda) Playing Card Company limited? Bought rights to Disney characters Taxi service, love Hotel chain, T.V. show, Instant rice, and more All went downhill…
Nintendo Entertainment System NES for short First console Very successful 60 million units sold Mario and Zelda new
Gameboy & SNES SNES=improved NES 49m sales Better processing Gameboy first handheld 4 greys, 150m sales
N64, Pocket, and Advanced GB Pocket=smaller GB & coloured case GB advance=better graphics & larger screen N64-good graphics and gameplay Mario 64 best game Weird controller
Game Cube, GB sp, DS Game cube=better N64 GB advanced sp= more portable GB advanced DS= start of something new
Wii, DSI, and DSI XL Wii= very advanced Wireless motion sensing controllers Wi-Fi capability One of the best selling consoles DSI= revised DS Two cameras Downloadable games via Wi-Fi on Nintendo DSI shop DSI XL=bigger DSI
3DS and Wii U Wii U best console! 3DS uses no 3d glasses Similar to DSI XL
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