Javon Anderson
Environmental Sustainability Issue For the past few decades, there has been countries under going recovery of their place they call home. These countries have been going years without proper hygiene, water, or even a stable home. There has been such a lack in education that no one can teach anyone anything. With the rapid spread of diseases and Aids in these countries people are steady dying leaving these countries with no hope.
Sustainability Video
Environmental Sustainability Progress Made What’s been doneUrkaine Url & Year of report Jamaica Url & Year of report Albania Url & Year of report Kenya Url & Year of report 1 Un allocates has funded Urkaine with 100,000 to help out with suffering homeless from severe weather conditions Report dated from BcUK Jamaica extreme crisis in poverty and wealth Report dated from ULl Volunteer program has been set up in order to improve on all MDG's Report dated from uFbj The Government launched a Maternal and Newborn Health Road Map Report dated from z2u 2 New law hopefuly make some changes for higher educatioin Report dated from paSN The gap on gender equality is making progress Report dated from YtpK Results for 2008 indicate that 12.4 percent of the population was poor compared to 18.5 percent in 2005 and 25.4 percent in 2002 Report dated from NrQJ Improvement on education gets the country of Kena closer to the MDG Report dated from auCR 3 Maternal Health issue has decreased thanks to new program Reort dated from Jm3Q There is being a attempt to put a stop to the HIV/AIDS situation in Jamica, people just need to support C57 Improvement on the quality of life of local residence through environmental regeneration. Report dated from Xio0 the Ministry of Public and Sanitation has prioritized malaria control through the National Health Sector Strategic Plan. Report dated from http://bit.ly/ ADS4u1
The rate of deforestation shows signs of decreasing Oceania South- Eastern Asia Latin America Latin America & the Caribbea n CIS & Europe Transition countries of South- Eastern Europe Caribbea n Sub- Sahar an Africa Eastern Asia Souther n Asia CIS, Asia Western Asia Norther n Africa Over the last decade nearly 13 million hectares have been lost due to natural causes each year but this doesn’t top the 1990’s with their 16 million hectares lost yearly. Since 2000 the net loss of forest has reduced from 8.3 million annually to 5.2 annually.
Evidence to Proposed Solution Between 2000 and 2010, some 13 million hectares of forests were converted annually to other uses, such as agriculture, or lost through natural causes, down from 16 million hectares per year during the 1990s, according to the assessment which surveyed 233 countries and areas. Not only have countries improved their forest policies and legislation, they have also allocated forests for use by local communities and indigenous peoples and for the conservation of biological diversity and other environmental functions - Eduardo Rojas, Assistant Director-General of FAO's Forestry Department
Final Summation To sum everything up, these issues have been going on for decades there’s come a point were the nation leaders need to step up and do more than what they have been doing to save these countries instead of wasting money on funding unnecessary causes. These people have been suffering long enough even if United States have to sacrifice anything, I’m sure we can afford to do so and still maintain as a country.
References The United Nations Department of Economics & Affairs (June 2010) I. Retrieved from- United Nation Development Program I. Retrieved from- poverty-reduction-and-mdgs/1281-un-allocates-usd to- assist-ukrainian-homeless-suffering-from-severe-weather- conditionshttp:// poverty-reduction-and-mdgs/1281-un-allocates-usd to- assist-ukrainian-homeless-suffering-from-severe-weather- conditions Youtube Clip I. Retrieved from-