Şcoala cu Clasele I -VIII Nr. 7 "Sfânta Maria" Timişoara-România
MULTILATERAL COMENIUS PROJECTMULTILATERAL COMENIUS PROJECT "BULLYING? NO, THANKS. ALL TOGETHER WE CAN HELP EACH OTHER" Presentation of The Esc Charter to the students Presentation of The Esc Charter to the students Dissemination of results Dissemination of results Posters Posters " Our parteners in EUROPE “ " Our parteners in EUROPE “ " YOU can save, TOO!“/ “LET’S BE FRIENDS !” " YOU can save, TOO!“/ “LET’S BE FRIENDS !”
Student Council Student Council Children’s symposium: “The student involved in school life” Children’s symposium: “The student involved in school life”
STRONG POINTS The existence within the school of a Commission for prevention and fighting violence in school The existence of the Student Council Programmes developed within the school: “Compliment” ErgoCES Bullying cases on the decrease WEAK POINTS Teachers attitude School councilor Relationships: - student-student, teacher student, parent –teacher, parent –student Students uninvolvement in solving conflicts OPPORTUNITIES Make students aware of the necessity of a democratic school Student involvement in school life Threats The lack of sufficient funds for teachers training courses Central control institutions Mentalities of people