Faculty Senate Shared Governance Committee (ad hoc) Proposed Elections System College Constitution Template Committee Status
Constitutions Include guidelines for shared governanceInclude guidelines for shared governance Define responsibilitiesDefine responsibilities Define functional form of colleges, schools, institutesDefine functional form of colleges, schools, institutes Template –College of Education –Other colleges –Web based info Modifications to fit needs of members Adoption – Academic Year –Senators Lead
Elections for 2002 DDD MemoDDD Memo –Co-signed with Provost –General Procedures Elections 2002Elections 2002 –Senators Monitor Electronic Voting –GFC System –Generate Database –Initial small group –“Group 1”
Committee Status “Information Item” Recommendation made by the Shared Governance to change the status of the committee from ad hoc to standing.Recommendation made by the Shared Governance to change the status of the committee from ad hoc to standing.