Romanticism Rebels against government and church. Looked to the dramatic and exotic for inspiration.
Eugène Delacroix Self-Portrait
Eugène Delacroix. The Fanatics of Tangier “These fanatics are called Issaouis, after their founder Ben Issa. At certain times of year, they meet outside towns; then, with their enthusiasm excited by prayers and wild cries, they enter into a veritable state of intoxication, and, spreading through the streets, performing contortions, and even dangerous acts.”
Eugène Delacroix. Liberty Leading the People (28 July 1830). With this painting Delacroix responded to the July revolution of 1830 against Charles X (king of France ) and absolutism in France, which finished with serious democratic reforms.
Eugène Delacroix. The Massacre of Chios Greece had been under Turkish occupation since the 15th century. The national liberation movement of the Greek people against the Turkish oppression started at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1821 a big uprising took place in different parts of Greece. The Turkish government in return took severe measures against the revolting Greeks, it organized Greek pogroms all over the country. In a massacre on the island of Chios, 98,000 Greeks were killed or sold into slavery. Only 2,000 people remained.
Francisco de Goya. Self-Portrait
Goya was the greatest artist of the romantic protest. He depicted the senseless brutality of war and oppresion. Goya examined violence, greed and foolishness in society. Goya also confronted issues of the exotic and dramatic.
Francisco de Goya. Charles IV and His Family
Francisco de Goya. The Greasy Pole
Francisco de Goya. Desastre de la Guerra (Disasters of War) 11
Francisco de Goya St. Francis Borgia Exorsizing
Francisco de Goya. Disparate Puntual (Precise Foolishness
John Constable John Constable was one of the major European landscape artists of the 19 th century. His works are recognizable by the grand, picturesque landscape. Often people were included, but played a minimal role in the image.
John Constable. Dedham Vale: Morning
John Constable. Landscape: Boys Fishing
John Constable. The White Horse