TheReconquest Long process (8th – 15th century) European Christian helpedtheSpanish Christian KingdomsarmiestowinterritoryfromtheMuslims. Therewereimportantbattlessuch as Navas de Tolosa in Granada wasconqueredonJanuary 2nd, 1492
Asturias and León Pelayo waschosen as theking of thevisigothswhotookrefuge in thenorth of theIberianPeninsula. In 722 theirtroopsdefeatedtheMuslims at theBattle of Covadonga. TheCourtwasestablished in Oviedo and begantoexpandtheirterritory. In 10th centurythe capital was moved to León.
Pelayo Battleof Covadonga
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SpanishMarchandCarolingian Empire
4. How didthe Christian Kingdomsadvance?
The Duero River : During 9th - 10th century, the Christian kingdmosadvancedsouth. Groupsofpeasantscolonisedthelandandformedsmallvillages (repopulation) Duringthe 11th and 12th century, the Christian kingdoms extended beyongthe River Tajo (remember, Al- Andaluswasdividedandpaid parias totheC.K.) Kings encourageemigrationtotownsorcitiesgivingprivilegescalled fue ros. Duringthe 13th century militaryorders recievedlands in Extremadura and Andalucía. Theyfarmedsheeps.
4. How didthe Christian Kingdomsadvance? Tajo and Ebro valleysDuero valley
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Toledo, Synagogue
Mudejar (muslims in christian territories)
Catedral gótica, León
5. How did the crown of Castile evolve? The crown of Castile 1085, they conquered Toledo After Navas de Tolosa (1212) conquered almost all Andalucía. 12th century Portugal became independent. 1230, Castile and León united and found the Crown of Castile. Government Same institutions and laws. Great power of the King (make laws, declare war) Economy and society Agriculture and stockbreeding Honourable Council of Mesta
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6. How did the Crown of Aragón evolve?
The Crown of Aragón It was created after the marriage of the daugther of the king of Aragon and the Count of Barcelona. After that, the first king of Aragón, Alfonso I the Battler conquered Zaragoza and the Ebro valley. Then the kingdom expanded to Valencia, Murcia and the Balearic Islands and around the Mediterranean (Sicily, Sardinia, Naples and places of Greece) Government Each territory kept its own instituttions and custom. The king was less powerfull than Castile. He could not establish new taxes or laws with out the permission of the Cortes. Economy Agriculture and trade