7.1 notes over Cells
Hooke-created the name “cell” when he looked at cork under the microscope Van Leewonhoek-looked at pond water and discovered life Schwann-Animals are made of cells Schleiden-Plants are made of cells Virchow-New cells come from existing cells People/Scientists
1. All living things are made of cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function. 3. New cells come from existing cells. Cell Theory
More powerful than light microscope Use electrons to magnify 1000s TEM-Transmission electron microscope look at structures and large proteins Must have thin slices Items not alive SEM-scanning electron microscope Scan the surface of items No cutting/not alive 3D images Electron Microscopes
Use a probe-trace surface of samples See a single atom See DNA! Live specimens used Scanning Probe Microscope
Has a nucleus Example: plants and animals; everything but bacteria Eukaryote All cells have two items: cell membrane and genetic material
No nucleus for genetic material Example bacteria Prokaryote